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Taking care of the baby is one of the most joyful things in life. But also, it is a great responsibility and requires both mental and physical strength. And no matter how fast a child grows and becomes independent, he or she will always be an object of worrying for parents. From the first days of the baby's life outside the mother's womb, extra care and caution have to bepresent.

Immune system

Mother's milk is the baby's first food for several months. When a baby is born and for some time, at least 8 meals in 24 hours are needed for the baby to grow normally. This means that more or less, all that baby does in this period is sleep and eat. This is a period that might be physically exerting for the parents because one parent should be awake and present as close to the baby as possible. This is because many babies do not cry as much and as loud as expected and the sounds that the baby makes is the only signals they can provide for the parents. Mother's milk is essential for the strengthening of the immune system. This is because through that milk, the baby will literally receive instructions for creating specific antibodies that are an essential part of the immune system. If the mother does not have milk, artificial milks are available today, which can efficiently replace the natural milk. Still, even if mother's breasts create only couple of deciliters of milk daily, that must be give to baby. The only time when a mother should not breastfeed is when the milk does not have enough quality properties and might do more harm than good.

First cold

No matter how much a baby is protected, sooner or later, it will catch a cold. One of the first signs is a runny nose. Parents must be very careful because a baby does not know how to say what is wrong; baby can only cry. That is why a parent must determine whether a baby has a runny nose or it is nothing but some saliva. Measuring temperature all the time is essential, since that will be a sure sign that there might be something wrong with the child. If the baby does have a cold, here are some steps that should be taken. A doctor has to be seen, some lab tests will be taken in order to determine whether the cold is viral or bacterial and if there is some secretion in the lungs. Depending on the seriousness of the condition, the baby will receive antibiotics and probably inhalation therapy will be prescribed. Also, parents should flush the baby's nose with 5% physiological solution and also clean the nose from the accumulated secretion. This will help the baby breathe easier, which is very important. The baby does not know that mouth breathing is an option so being unable to breathe properly with nose will become a major discomfort. Also, the baby's bed should be slightly elevated, this will also help with emptying the nose from secretion and allow the baby to breathe and sleep properly.

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