Infertility occurs when a couple tries to conceive a pregnancy for a year, but without success. It is estimated that even about 10 to 15 % of couples have this problem. In the past, the women were mostly were blamed for the infertility, but in the meantime, it has been proven that the men equally suffer from infertility.
What is the exact cause of the female infertility can be very hard to detect. Since the number of couples with this problem is constantly rising, medicine has considerably advanced and developed treatment methods that are helpful for those who suffer from this problem.
Treatment of female infertility
Which treatment will be used in treating female infertility depends on many factors, such as cause, age of the women and duration of the infertility. Some women only need one or two treatment methods, while there are also complicated cases when even several different treatment methods have to be used. A treatment is applied either to restore the fertility or to assist in the reproduction.
Fertility restoration with fertility drugs
Fertility restoration refers to the stimulation of the ovulation with specific medicines. The fertility drugs induce ovulation and they function like the female hormones called luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. However, when a woman takes the fertility drugs, there are some risks, such as becoming pregnant with twins or development of enlarged ovaries.
The most common drugs used in fertility restoration in woman are clomiphene citrate, metformin and letrozole. Furthermore, the fertility restoration can be acquired with some gonadotropin medications like human menopausal gonadotropin, follicle-stimulation hormone and human chorionic hormone.
Fertility restoration with surgical procedures
The female infertility can be significantly improved and corrected by several different types of surgical procedures.
Tissue removal is a surgery where the endometrial tissues are removed in order to increase the chance of conceiving pregnancy. The women with tubal ligation undergo tubal reversal surgery in order to reconnect the tied up tubes. Tubal surgeries are performed in women whose fallopian tubes are blocked. In a laparoscopic surgery, the fallopian tube is dilated and a new tubal opening is made, along with the removal of adhesions. In vitro fertilization is a technique which consists of taking the mature egg from the female body first, and then fertilizing it with a sperm in a laboratory. When it is done, the embryos are placed in the uterus of the woman. The women who have both fallopian tubes blocked usually decide on in vitro fertilization.
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