Many women who are eager to have children get disappointed when they come across a problem that is connected with infertility. But,depending on the cause, infertility can be treated resulting in a healthy baby.Different therapies are available and they depend upon the cause of the infertility. Therapies that are available include drug therapy, hormone therapy, surgical intervention, and assisted reproductive technologies or short ART.
Treatments of infertility
Sometimes the cause of infertility can be a problem with ovulation. This problem can be easily solved with drug treatment, and in the case of men, drugs can help sperm production. If a reason for infertility is blockage of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, abnormal sperm, and unexplained infertility then the best possible method can be In Vitro Fertilization (IVFFFF), or popularly known as a test tube baby. This method is not recommended if there is an issue with sperm transfer or damaged fallopian tubes. This process takes place in sterile conditions, a laboratory where an egg is taken out and then when fertilized, returned into uterus. When there is a problem with low sperm in men, artificial insemination is used. That sperm is, with some special methods, treated resulting in increased number of sperm. That, laboratory sperm is directly transferred into the mother’s uterus. Surgery is used in the cases when there is a blockage of fallopian tubes, or if sperm ducts of men are blocked.
Gamete Intra-FallopianTransfer (GIFT) is similar with IV; the only difference is that fertilization is inside a woman’s body. Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT) is used in the cases of abnormal sperm problem and is also similar to IV. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a method of infertility treatment where a single injection containing one sperm is injected into the egg. Epididymal and testicular sperm extraction is a process in which sperm is taken out directly from the testis with a needle. In most cases, those sperms that are collected are frozen for later usage. Freezing of sperm and embryos is a technique in which embryos and sperm, that is extra, is kept in the case patient decides to have more children. Donor eggs, embryos and sperm are an additional chance for women who have ovarian failure and men who can’t produce sperm. It is an opportunity for them to have children and enjoy in parenthood. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique that detects chromosome abnormalities in embryo. In that way, a woman can be sure that only healthy eggs are placed in her uterus and avoid abnormalities that are connected with chromosome abnormalities. It should be known that, if a man has a sperm count at the time of insemination less that five million, then chances for pregnancy are very low, but if that number is less than one million, then methods such as IV or donor sperm insemination are used.
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