There are many reasons why a woman could be experiencing infertility related to fallopian tube problems, this could be very frustrating for a couple that is trying to have a baby and is something that needs to be treated by a medical professional. There are a variety of different problems which can develop within the fallopian tubes, which can cause complications and these include; tubal blockage and tubal scarring. Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the most common complications and something the tubes can become narrow or blocked which prevents conception. Certain things causes scar tissue fallopian tubes problems, which is also common and can lead to damage and prevent pregnancy from happen. The following causes scar tissue fallopian tubes blockage and damage:
Ectopic pregnancy Surgery Endometriosis Pelvic inflammatory diseaseIn order for a woman to determine what the cause of infertility is, a reproductive endocrinologist may order and perform a series of tests which can include:
Hysterosalpingogram Laparoscopic surgeryOnce the reasons behind fallopian tube related infertility have been discovered a woman still has many options when trying to get pregnant. In-vitro fertilization can help a woman dealing with tubal factor related infertility and can have a success rate of 35%. Sometimes a woman can undergo fallopian tube surgery which can be performed to fix the damage or blockage and help the female become pregnant. Because fallopian tube problems can delay pregnancy, a woman should consult with a physician when dealing with a suspected case of tubal factor infertility.
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/adhesions
- healthfinder.gov/api/Outlink/Search/https/www.hhs.gov/opa/pregnancy-prevention/sterilization/female-sterilization/index.html?_label_=Read+more+about+sterilization+for+women
- Photo courtesy of slewelling by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/50878002@N04/7213451560/
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