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The heart is the vital organ in the human body. It is the part of the circulatory or cardiovascular system. The main function of the heart is to pump the blood rich oxygen in and nutrients through the blood vessels to the different parts of the body. For that reason, it is important to maintain a heart healthy. Nonetheless, the heart can be affected by numerous disease or disorders.

Causes of heart attack in women

A heart attack occurs when the heart does not get enough oxygenated blood due to the narrowed or blocked arteries. There are many factors that can cause a heart attack. Obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol are dangerous factors that can be the cause of coronary artery disease. However, there are also many other medical conditions that can be responsible for a heart attack. In women, one of the causes is metabolic syndrome marked by hypertension, fatty abdomen high triglycerides and high levels of the glucose in the blood. Depression and mental stress, as well as smoking, can induce heart attack in women even more than in men

Symptoms of heart attack in women

Many people believe that the heart attack is a condition that is typical in men. This is not true since more women die from a heart attack than men. The sharp pain and discomfort in the chest are the main symptoms of a heart attack. However, several symptoms typically occur only in women and they are not related to the pain in the chest.

Many women may experience some kind of discomfort that appears in the neck and shoulder, as well as in the upper back and abdomen. Moreover, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting, as well as fatigue and dizziness, may also appear. The women experience the pain in the other parts of the body apart from the chest, since they are prone to the blockages in the small arteries that are not in the chest area. These blockages impair the blood flow to the heart and a heart attack occurs.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the women usually go to see the doctor very late when the heart is already too damaged. This is due the fact that the symptoms of the heart attack in women are not characteristic for a heart attack. For that reason, it is important to immediately visit a doctor when the symptoms mentioned above are noticed.

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