Linden method has cured more than 120.000 people from the panic attacks, agoraphobia, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Other than that, this method is proven efficient in generalized anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Charles Linden, the inventor of this method had panic attacks himself, several times every day. After some time, he studied various treatments and behavioral therapies and developed the Linden method.
He and his coworkers claim that this method can cure more than 96% of all patients suffering from these kinds of psychological problems. The method doesn’t require you to use any medications. Instead, what it does is reprogram the part of your brain known as amygdala and thus prevents anxiety and panic attacks.
Amygdala is an almond shaped organ in the central nervous system (CNS, the brain). Any external threat for the person activates this organ and leads to physical reactions of the body. The reaction is usually appropriate for the cause of the threat. People suffering from anxiety experience “overworked” amygdala. This organ sends signals even if there are no apparent reasons or threats for the person. Their amygdala is always turned on, and the patient can’t control it. Panic attack might be caused by a minor thing, and the patient is aware of its insignificance but there is nothing he/she can do to stop the panic from occurring.
Patients losing control over the amygdala are always afraid, even from their own thoughts and anxiety. It causes a vicious circle of anxiety. Once amygdala is taught that some situation (psychological condition) is a threat, the patient fears even more.
The Linden Method
Method consists of different techniques, designed to help people suffering from anxiety and similar disorders to overcome the fear. Amygdala of these patients must be convinced that it is safe, and there are no threats or dangers. The patients are thought how to create the environment to change how amygdala reacts.
Many people need the help to overcome and cure their anxiety, phobias, OCD or panic attacks. Linden method has proven to be successful for more than 10 years now. Since there is no way one man could reach so many patients, there is a self-help book, DVD and a phone line available for them.
It is stated that this method is efficient in 96.7% of all anxiety patients, if the patient is willing to work on him/herself, learn and apply learned techniques. It doesn’t cure anyone over night and depending on the effort you put in it the first results will be visible.
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