Facts about Anxiety
Modern pace and constant changes of everyday life affecteveryone. Our body reacts to the stress by anxiety, and this is considered to beperfectly normal. It is normal to be worried or afraid of something, becausethat’s what’s pushing you to deal with the situation that have caused theproblem in the first place.
However, there is a difference between normal anxiety and abnormalreaction, known as anxiety disorder, and it’s the intensity of the feeling andreasoning that caused anxiety. People suffering from anxiety disorder have bothpsychological and physiological problem. Even if there is nothing that presentreal threat for them, they worry and experience fear, and sometimes even dread certainsituations. Uneasiness is also very common for these patients. Anxiety disorderand panic attacks are not rare among worldwide population. Because they arerecognized to severely compromise patients’ quality of life, these disordersmust be taken care of.
Anxiety Treatment Options
After consultation with the doctor, patients usually getprescription medications such as: psychotropic or some anti-anxiety drugs (likeSSRI – selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors). Recent studies on a largepopulation of people using these medications proved that drugs are not very successfulin treating anxiety disorder. Because of that, side effects of the drugs and potentiallylife-long medical treatment have turned many people to find alternative approaches todeal with anxiety.
There are some herbal preparations and supplements, whichmight be good and perfectly natural way to treat anxiety disorder. Kava andsam-e, as well as valerian root and St. John’s Wort are some of the herbsfrequently recommended by herbalists for people suffering from excessiveanxiety. Before any treatment it is very important to consult your doctor. Thisway, you will avoid any harmful side effects or interactions with themedications you are already using.
Focused breathing techniques and relaxation also have theirplace in the treatment of anxiety. Yoga, tai chi, meditations or guided visualizationmay be good choices for patients suffering from anxiety disorder. Regularaerobic exercise can also be the way to deal with this problem, since it isknown to release endorphins (“happy hormones”) and promote feelings ofwell-being.
Anxiety and panic attacks can also be resolved with the dietchange. Reduce the amount of sugar, caffeine and nicotine you have been usingand you will notice the results in a month or so. Some people might also reactin the same way to dairy products, so you may try to avoid them for sometime and see if that improves your condition.
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