Laser eye treatment has been known as the most efficientprocedure to correct many vision problems. There are several types of laser eyesurgical procedures, such as: LASEK, Epi-Lasik, custom Lasik and PRK. The mostcommon of all eye surgeries, for a reason, is Lasik eye surgery. It is used tocorrect near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism. People that had thistype of surgery done on their eyes say that it instantly made them seenormally, without needing contact lenses or glasses.
Lasik Eye Surgery
This surgical procedure requires a laser treatment. Thesurgeon uses laser to cut the flap of the cornea, lift it and then use laser toreshape cornea. After that, the only thing the surgeon has to do is to placeback the flap he/she made and the procedure is done. The procedure is fairlyquick, without any stitching and doesn’t require the patient to wear bandagesfor many weeks as happened with traditional surgical procedures. The recoveryperiod is also minimal because of that.
What are Risks with This Surgical Procedure?
Although the use of laser makes this Lasik surgery moreprecise and there are fewer problems to be expected after the procedure, risksand side effects are still present. If you think you need this procedure, youshould better know everything about it.
The surgery does not guarantee you to have 20/20 eyesightafter it, only rare patients can experience this kind of vision improvement.
Other risks include: vision loss, sometimes permanent andimpossible to correct with some other surgery, contacts or glasses. Patientsmay see worse than without the surgery or experience some night visionproblems, such as glare vision, halos or double vision after the Lasik surgery.Dry eyes can also be very discomforting and sometimes even permanent sideeffect after the surgery, and these patients are advised to use eye drops forgood.
Improper surgery might cause several medical problems,including the risk or cornea failure to perform, vision problems and astigmatism.
The most common thing among the far-sighted people after theLasik surgery is the diminishing of the effects of the surgery with aging.
Additionally, be very careful about the surgeon who willperform the laser surgery on your eyes. Always ask them to see theircertificates and choose the respected and qualified person to do it.
Are You Ideal Patient for Lasik Surgery?
If you want to undergo a laser eye surgery, always consultyour doctor, eye doctor and ophthalmologist and inform yourself about thepotential risks and side effects of the surgery. Contact your insurance anddetermine what percent of the surgery cost they will cover (because the surgeryis not cheap at all).
If you experience any eye diseases or herpes or shinglesaround the eyes, inform your eye doctor before the surgery.
Laser eye improvement surgery is not recommended forchildren. Their eyes are still developing, and until they turn 18, they are notsuitable patients for this type of surgery.
Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, diabetic patients andsome other people using certain medications should also avoid laser eyesurgery.
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