Facts about Teenage Obesity
Many teenagers and adolescents areobese. This directly stems from the way of life they are living.Basically, today, children spend more time away from physicalexercise than several decades ago. Today, it all comes down to usingcheap means of transportation, traveling fast wherever you go andspending a lot of time watching at many different screens in ourlives doing nothing constructive whatsoever. Of course this has takenits toll on our children, reaching the peak in their teenage andadolescent years of life.
However, there is another factorcontributing to the increase of body weight of these children.Namely, we all tend to eat food which is a far cry from healthy, letalone full of nutrients. Rather, our nutrition concentrates aroundthe food we buy in fast food restaurants or other sources of junkfood. Naturally, this makes an impact on our body since we all, aswell as our children stuff it with excessive calories and nonutritive substances, giving us more calories than we can possiblyburn through the sedentary life we lead.
The rest is pretty straightforward. Weeat junk food, we lack physical exercise, we get fat, overweight and,eventually obese, suffering from many health problems which gohand-in-hand with obesity.
Still, the difference between an obeseteenager or adolescent and an adult is the greater impact that peershave on the former. There are many social issues which can damage achild's personality through social stigmata which they usually face.
The Negative Effects of Being an ObeseTeenager or Adolescent
The first problem these children haveto face is the plethora of diseases which might affect them duringtheir obesity period of life. Gallbladder issues, constant fatigue,blood pressure problems, heart diseases and many others are just thetip of the iceberg.
On top of all this, there is peerridicule and judgment which can cause feelings of inferiority andself-esteem issues which can greatly interfere with a child'sperformance in school and the life this child will lead as an adult.
Therefore, obesity should not be a partof any teenager or adolescent's life. Parents should do their best toactivate their children physically through sports and otheractivities, making sure their child is developing correctly, burningall excessive calories necessary. Also, they should eat healthy andavoid junk, processed food at all costs.
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