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Obesity in children

Obesity is one of the most common problems worldwide. Obese person has an excessive accumulation of body fat, but what is thought to be obesity in children is not equally defined throughout the world. Many experts usually rely on the certain guidelines that are made according to body mass index. This body mass index must be modified according to age of the children. The body mass index or BMI is a measurement of obesity or body weight in general. Many professionals consider that obesity in children is body weight that is as a minimum 20% higher in comparison to the body weight of 90% of other children of the same age, sex and height.

This problem was not very common in the past. However, today it is one of the most frequently occurred problems. Obesity is a medical problem that is most characteristic for the developed countries, for example, in America. According to certain studies, even 15% of adolescents in America is obese. Unfortunately, it can become even worse in near future. Obesity that affects a child may leave a profound effect on its life, though it may also trigger many other medical conditions, such as various heart problems, for example. Furthermore, emotional and social problems usually accompany obesity in children. If a child is obese, he/she will be probably obese as an adolescent and adult, thus making the risk for developing serious health problems even higher.

If the child is obese, its parents may prevent the further gaining of weight. When a baby is overweight, breastfeeding should be prolonged in order to postpone the diet with solid foods. In early childhood, children should exercise regularly and have a healthy diet poor in fat. Watching television should be restricted to several hours a week.

Causes of obesity in children

The excessive intake of calories is one of the main causes for the occurrence of obesity in children. The other cause of obesity is genetic factors. Obesity can be inherited condition, so that those children who have obese patents or very close relatives are at risk to develop the same problem with weight. The obese children are usually on a diet rich in fat and calories, such as fast food, processed snack foods, and sugary drinks. Because of that and lack of a healthy diet that include fruits, vegetables and whole grains, obesity occurs. Obesity may be a consequence of eating when not hungry, or even eating while watching television or doing some other passive activities, such as reading, writing, etc. In the majority of cases, obese children are physically inactive.

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