People use many different types of topical creams for treating eczema appearing on the surface of your skin. The eczema may result in redness, inflammation, itching, flaking and even oozing. However, the topical creams you use reduce these symptoms when applied onto the skin surface several times a day.
Types of Eczema Treatment
Topical steroids are one of the most common types of treatment for getting rid of many different kinds of skin conditions. The most popular type of topical steroids is Hydrocortisone acetate 1%, which can be obtained in any pharmacy, without the necessity for a prescription.
Topical steroids are capable of stopping various types of skin allergies and priuritus. Psoriasis is also treated by these medications while anti-fungal medication gets rid of itching triggered by ringworm infections.
Types of Topical Steroids
The main difference between types of topical steroids lies in the strength of these medications. Namely, some types are more potent than the others, being capable of treating eczema and skin conditions which are more severe. Commonly, lotions, creams, ointments and pills are the forms of topical steroids available.
Ointments are the strongest topical steroids. Then, being less and less potent come creams, lotions, solutions, gels and, finally, sprays.
Usage of Topical Steroids
Kids are more sensitive to medications and, therefore, less aggressive treatments of their skin problems are necessary. So, Cultivate and Elocon are recommended to be used on children because their bodies absorb less of these medications. Furthermore, Cultivate is the only topical steroid medications officially recommended for children younger than 3 months of age.
When you use topical steroids on your face, be very careful. Some stronger types of these medications may result in cataract or other side-effects when getting in contact with one's eyes. So, use the smallest possible amounts when applying topical steroids onto the face surface. Also, you might not want to use topical steroid medications on your eyelids and genitals as well as armpits, groin and areas under the breasts.
The side-effects may involve skin thinning, discolorations, formation of blood vessels, rosacea, skin infections, slow healing of skin wounds, further irritations and skin complications along with contact dermatitis. In some rare cases, topical steroidal creams were known to cause some or all symptoms of the Cushing's syndrome.
All in all, topical steroids are excellent for treating skin conditions like eczema. Yet, you need to be careful about the dosage, the type of the medication you choose and the area you apply the medication on.
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