Information on Dong Quai Tea
Dong quai tea is an herbal tea made from the Chinese herb which is very efficient in improving the quality of overall and sexual health of a person. Dong quai herbal tea is also very helpful because it provides the human body with numerous other health benefits. It contains a large number of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, tannins, vitamin B3, silicon, vitamin B12, selenium, vitamin C, resin, vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.
It provides the human body with all those important nutrients which are responsible for various vital processes and chemical reactions inside the human body. The female body requires a normal blood circulation in the areas which surround the genital and it needs to have its hormones properly balanced so that the sexual health can reach its peak. Sexual cravings can sometimes get significantly reduced because of mental stress, fatigue and anxiety. Estrogen is an important part of sexual desire in female persons. Low levels of this important hormone cause a reduction of desire and arousal.
Health Benefits of Dong Quai Tea
Dong Quai is well known as an efficient blood tonic. It is very helpful because it stimulates, strengthens and harmonizes the blood and enhances its proper distribution to all the different body parts and areas. Blood deficiency can be very harmful and it may also affect one’s libido. It can be characterized by certain symptoms such as abdominal pain, tinnitus, menstrual disorders, pallid skin, palpitations and blurred vision.
Dong quai enhances the sexual arousal which can always be characterized by an improved blood flow and a faster heart rate. Dong quai tea can also be of great help when it comes to controlling the hormonal balance, reducing the intensity of premenstrual syndrome, relieving the menstrual pain and toning the female reproductive system.
Dong quai tea is very efficient in detoxifying the liver, restoring the muscles, relieving various inflammatory conditions and acting as an excellent anti rheumatic agent. It is of great help when it comes to relaxing the body, relieving anxiety, reducing stress, alleviating pressure and normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system.
It can also be very helpful in preventing and fighting numerous different kinds of bacterial infections and boosting the immune system. Donq quai tea also has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Dong quai can always be combined with other types of herbs used in the traditional Chinese medicine such as horny goat weed or damiana.
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