This article aims to offer helpful advice for the
professional bodybuilder type
exercise enthusiast
or the average joe-or-jane-six-pack
whowants to
build muscle
gain quality weight or
burn body fat
andis always looking for new techniques which can be used to obtain the above mentioned, more efficiently and faster. It also aims to point out the flaws of any previously used methods that such a person may have used in hope to obtain the same goals, since, sadly – they sometimes tend to be misleading or even, worse still, counterproductive.
One of the examples of such advice would be one provided in an issue of Flex magazine – which is a fitness and health magazine. Namely, the study claimed that the faster a person eats, the more body fat he or she will gain due to the speed.
So,according to that very study, a person looking to build mass should eat the very same calorie-rich diet, but slower. While this is true to a certain extent, there are critical flaws to the advice while taking into account the bigger picture. Namely, the problem isn't in the hastiness of one's downing of the calories, but much rather in its amount. What this means is that a person who eats faster will gain more weight because he or she will eat more food faster, instead of what is implied in the above mentioned: merely due to the speed of intake.
It'spretty obvious that if a person eats more food, he or she will be downing more calories, and, pretty obviously gaining more weight. But truth be told, that has no real connection to whether the person is eating fast or slow.
Certainly, most people could thing of at least one king-size person who is, on the other hand, and ironically, a super-slow eater. So this would be just another con-point down the mentioned advice's list.
So to conclude, if a person is a fast eater, he or she may feel the urge to eat bigger portions. And even if this may seem true for a number of people, the speed itself has nothing to do with the extra fat the person's body is suffering, but rather the fact that the impulses of no longer feeling hunger reach the brain only after a certain time a body no longer ought to feel hungry. Ultimately, it is not only how much and how fast someone eats, but also what.
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