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Desires and achievement

Contrary to thegeneral belief, taking up and adhering to a certain weight loss program willnot always give the sought after results. And this is the fact that gets mostpeople down once things do not go the way they plannedthem to go. In addition, another discouraging factor is the fact that even at thepoint when some excessive weight does disappear and that can be seen clearly when one’s clothes become looser than they once were, the measuring scale doesnot show any significant improvement. Also, there are cases in which a persononly gains additional weight, and does not lose the excess as previouslyplanned. One of the explanations for this is that exercises facilitate and boostmuscle building, which is an extremely important fact, since muscles do weighsignificantly more than fat. But, despite the allegations, it should not be takenfor granted because it is only partially true.

Loss and gain

One story that isregarded as true by quite a number of people who are into exercising, is thatfats can be turned into muscles by way of exercises. This further results inlosing that troublesome excessive weight. What they also strongly believe isthat the moment a person seizes to exercise, the muscles transform back intofats. As many of you would have guessed by now, this is impossible due to aquite simple fact that fats cannot change into muscles, nor is this possible inthe case of muscles. Certain programs do provide detailed instructions on howto battle off excessive weight and gain muscles on the way. Given the fact thateach change leaves a mark on our body, this kind of change can also influencethe person’s overall body weight so much because gaining muscles has a tendency to increase one’s overall weight as well.

Muscles or fat?

The truth is thatmuscles actually do not weigh more than fats, but the main difference has to dowith their constitution in general. On one hand, we have muscles that areleaner and denser than fat, whereas on the other, fats have the tendency to bebulky and are known to occupy much more space than the muscles. This is one ofthe reasons why, for example, 1 pound of fat can appear to be much bulkier andheavier than 1 pound of muscle. Having this in mind, it can be clearlyseen why a person with greater body fat can look much more bulky than theperson who has far less body fat and more muscles.

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