Dizziness itself is a fairly common medical condition and itaffects every person at least once in their lifetime. Dizziness induced bycertain neck problems is a completely different thing and it is medicallyreferred to as cervical vertigo. Cervical vertigo is also a common medicalcondition because there are a lot of people around the world who work atoffices and have a bad posture, which leads to the onset of cervical vertigo.In these cases, dizziness may vary from mild to severe, and in some cases itmay be long lasting and even debilitating. There is no effective methodtreatment for this type of dizziness, so all those who suffer from it rely onvarious different types of alternative therapies and treatment plans. Thesecases are commonly affiliated with certain neck motions or various differenttypes of neck injuries, so those are basically the core of the problem.Cervical vertigo is fairly common in all cases of whiplash, and is not thatrare in various other types of neck injuries. People who suffer from cervicalvertigo commonly experience episodes of dizziness which may last for up toseveral minutes. These episodes are commonly triggered by sudden neck motions,especially rotations which also involve extension of the neck. It is also aninteresting fact that women usually suffer from cervical vertigo much more thanmen do. Chronic neck pain in such cases is commonly accompanied by vertigo, andin most cases it indicated a very slow and usually incomplete recovery. Most people who suffer from cervical vertigoexperience relief when they stand still or just sit quietly.
Other Causes
Vertigo may be induced by various other types of factors,but most of them are related to the lack of balance of the mechanisms of theinner ear. Inner ear contains 3 small tubes characterized by a semi circularshape, and they all point towards different directions. When the head moves around, the fluids sloshthe tubes and the impulses get sent to the brain in order to inform it thatmotions actually occur. This system is called the proprioceptive nervous systemand it is a fairly complicated one. Vertigo may also be triggered by headstrokes, trauma, brain damage, inflammatory conditions and various types ofviral and bacterial infections. The formation of tiny crystals in theaforementioned canals can also be one of the possible causes. Chiropractors areusually of great help when it comes to treating the cervical vertigo.
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