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Dyslexia is a condition that is the characterized by a difficulty in learning. It is very important to diagnose this condition at an early stage, because the treatment is successful and it gives the patient better chances of responding to the treatment.

About dyslexia

The first signs of dyslexia appear in a childhood, when a child starts going to a school. It is manifested through the difficulty in reading. So, as it appears in childhood, children suffer from it the most, but it can also appear in the adulthood. Even though we accept reading as some simple activity, it consists of series of complex tasks. One of the essential things that are important when setting a diagnosis for dyslexia is phonetic awareness. In other words, it is connecting and recognizing the sounds of words with the spelling. Children who suffer from dyslexia do not have phonetic awareness and therefore, they can’t understand the meaning of the read words.

How to diagnose dyslexia?

Diagnosing of dyslexia is possible after some time spent is school. It can be easily detected and diagnosed if a child shows extraordinary results in many fields except in reading. Then parents usually take their child to the therapist and he/she can spot the problem. There are some symptoms and signs of dyslexia that are common in most people and children. Symptoms that reveal dyslexia include postponed speech development, difficulty in doing more tasks simultaneously, difficulty in dressing, trouble in pronunciation, and many other that include skills that demand memorization and multiple task completion. But you as a parent have to be aware that the presence of these signs and symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that a child suffers from dyslexia.

Diagnosing of dyslexia in children depends upon academic performance, while diagnosing of dyslexia in adults is measured by the ability to complete multiple tasks and how efficient a person is. Dyslexia doesn’t appear in the same way in everyone, because there are several forms and levels of dyslexia. If a person is diagnosed with dyslexia, there are tests with which a doctor can determine what level or form that person has. Dyslexia is a hereditary condition, so if your parents had it, then you also have a chance to have it. It can be treated and it may be temporary, so it is important to be at reach for your child if he/she gets worried and agitated because of it. You have to be ready to assure your child that is can be treated and the problem can be solved with a little effort.

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