It is sad that there are many medical problems that occurdue to our bad habits. Excessive eating, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, thoseall lead to certain conditions that are not easily dealt with once theyemerge. This is why health prevention should be one of the major things peopleshould care about. The only way that health prevention can be raised to amaximum level is through educating people and teaching them about the dangersthat wait in bad habits. Seminars, studies, marketing, media, and those are all the tools that can help in teaching people how to save their health from constantattacks.
Those attacks sometimes succeed, unfortunately. When weare talking about excessive eating, it all goes down to very high level ofglucose in blood stream. There are several ways in which people get affected bydiabetes. For some, insulin receptors that are present on the surface of allcells simply stop functioning and insulin cannot connect with those cells, while glucose cannot leave blood stream and enter the cells. Problems with receptorsmight emerge because there is simply too much glucose in blood, or because ofsome other factor. Actually, the exact reason that makes those receptors stopworking is still unknown. Also, diabetes might occur because there are someproblems with the part of pancreas responsible for the creation of insulin. Another reason is in insulin itself, which for some reason does not functionproperly.
Whatever the factor that caused diabetes, people who haveit have to deal with the fact that their lifestyles have to change, the major changeinvolving applying some sort of low calorie diet. A diabetic diet plan to loseweight includes several forms that are different in number of calories allowed to betaken through food. The minimum amount is value between 1200 and 1600 calories,which is ideal for those with small bodies and with some physical activity. Forthose a bit bigger, the number of calories can be increased, from 1600 to 2000calories. Really big people do not need to exercise if those numbers are used.The last plan includes the intake of 2000 to 2400 calories, which is a perfect valuefor big people who are physically very active.
It is obvious that even those people with serious conditionssuch as diabetes, should be having healthy meals and when we say healthy, we meanthat a daily intake of calories must be about 50 percent from carbohydrates, 20percent from proteins and 30 percent from fat.
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