The skin can very easily become dry, rough and irritated due to a number of different factors. Improper nutrition, cold weather, wind, smoking, alcohol consumption, dehydration, harsh cosmetic and other products, dry climate and, of course, genetics, are all factors that increase the chance of sin becoming dry.
During summer days, one of the most common reasons behind dry skin is exposure to the sun.
Dry skin from the sun
When spending a lot of time outside in the direct sun, the UV rays from the sun are bound to strip away a lot of the skin’s natural moisture. Not only that, it has been scientifically proven that UV rays damage the skin’s internal structure and lead to complications and problems such as sunburns. Skin cancer is another important risk involved with excessive exposure to the sun.
After spending too much time in direct sunlight, the skin first becomes red, as a response to the heat and the UV rays. The moisture and the sebum are lost and the skin becomes dry and eventually flaky and uneven. If the exposure was excessive, the skin will suffer from sunburns, which can be quite severe. One of the symptoms of sunburns is dryness, along with pain, burning sensation, sensitivity and tenderness. After the sunburns start to heal, the skin becomes increasingly dry and eventually peels off, revealing the fresh layer of skin.
Considering all this, it is clear that in order to avoid dry skin a person should make sure to protect the skin from too much direct sunlight.
Tips for dry from the sun
Logically, the best way to prevent dryness due to the sun is to avoid the sun altogether. Of course, this is not always possible, nor is it advised, because moderate exposure to the sun can actually be very healthy. However, it is best to avoid periods of the day when the radiation from the sun is particularly intense, which is generally from noon till 4pm or 5pm.
If the sun cannot be avoided, the skin must be protected with clothes and hats. Clothes should be light-colored and made of natural materials.
Exposed parts of the body must always be covered with sunscreen. People with fair skin should use sunscreen products with higher sun protection factor, for example SPF 20 and higher.
If the skin does get dry from the sun, it should be treated gently, avoiding harsh soaps and hot water. A good moisturizer must be applied several times a day, especially in the evening. Glycerin is one of the best ingredients in moisturizing creams and lotions.
Proper hydration is also important and it is recommended to drink at least 8 tall glasses of water every day. Watermelons, cucumbers and other fruit and vegetables that contain a lot of water are also highly recommended.
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