It is a lovely plant with beautiful flowers but one should be aware that all parts of this plant, especially the seed, might be extremely poisonous. Datura plants possess hallucinogenic properties and it may be fatal if ingested by humans and animals. The active ingredients of Datura are the tropane alkaloids atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine. These are classified as deliriants or anticholinergics. This means that datura may induce a medical state of delirium and block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system. Delirium, caused by ingestion of datura plant causes complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy, hyperthermia, abnormal heart beats, changes in behavior and a painful photophobia that may last for a couple of days.
Medical use
Datura is poisonous and hallucinogenic, but it acts as a powerful medicament as well. Datura is used as a narcotic and antispasmodic, especially in patients suffering from bronchitis or asthma. It may be used in treatment of hemorrhoids and Parkinson’s disease. It acts as a sedative in large doses, and roasted leaves may be used for pain management.
Datura has a medical use in treatment of gastrointestinal problems, various aches, abscesses, arthritis, boils, headaches, rattlesnake bites, sprains, swellings, and tumors. Applied as an ointment, it may relieve the rheumatic pain and sciatica. The leaves are usually dried and smoked to relax the bronchiole muscles of the throat, and to help people with insomnia. Ingesting the seeds will rapidly affect the nervous system but it may also be extremely dangerous and put a patient at risk of a lethal overdose.
History of use
Datura is also known as the Devil’s Trumpet. The native names for this plant are based upon the deliriant effects it produces on the nervous system. In Europe, datura was used for witchcraft and the seeds were used to brew beer.
Mexicans used it in religious rituals, dried and smoked, to produce the effect of hallucinations. Aztecs used it to manage fevers and cure the pain in the chest. The people of New Spain rubbed a leaf on painful areas to cure spleen diseases.
- www.nhs.uk/livewell/bites-and-stings/pages/plant-dangers-garden-countryside.aspx
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/poisoning-and-child-safety?open&utm_source=www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au&utm_medium=Widget&utm_content=BHC%20Article%20-%20Poisoning%20and%20child%20safety&utm_campaign=Fact%20Sheet%20Search
- www.flickr.com/photos/18302349@N00/4143975162
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