Information on Cooked Carrots
Cooked carrots can be prepared with butter or honey and theymake for some rather tasty dishes. Carrots can also be consumed in their rawform and when consumed that way, they contain more nutrients than their cookedcounterparts. Some research has shown that raw carrots may be potentiallyharmful for limiting the ability of the human body to convert the beta-caroteneto vitamin A.
This is due to a thick cellular wall of some carrots. The humanbody only gets to use one quarter of total beta-carotene from the carrot. When the carrots get cooked, the cellular wallsget dissolute and the human body can use up to 50% of total content ofbeta-carotene of each carrot. Boiled carrots have an increased strength ofantioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Cooked Carrots Recipes
Cooked carrots with honey take only 10 minutes to beprepared and they require 1 lb of baby carrots, half a stick of butter, 2 and ahalf tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/8 tablespoon ofginger and a slight pinch of salt. The carrots need to be placed in a cookingpan filled with water and some salt, After cooking for up to 7 minutes theyneed to be removed from the flame.
Honey and melted butter need to be stirredin a frying pan, and only when they start simmering one should add some lemonjuice and ginger. The carrots need to be added to the pain an after a fewminutes the pan needs to be removed from the flame. The dish can be garnishedwith parsley and black pepper. Buttered cooked carrots require 1 lb of babycarrots, half a stick of butter and 1/3 cup of brown sugar.
The carrots need tobe boiled for a few minutes and then removed from the flame. The sugar and thebutter get added to the leftover water and when they start simmering thecarrots should be added as well so that they can get coated well.
Cooked Carrots Nutrition
Each carrot has approximately 16 calories of which just onecomes from the fats. Carrots do not contain protein and cholesterol but eachone contains 139 mg of sodium. Each carrot contains 4 grams of carbohydrateswhich are made up from 2 grams of sugars, 1 gram of dietary fibers and 1 gramof other substances. Carrots are a remarkable source of vitamin A, zinc,thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, niacin, iron, pantothenic acid,calcium, and vitamin B6.
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