Naproxen is a drug which belongs to thecategory of anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drugs. Hence, it, aswell as all other, similar medications of this type, is used for thetreatment of pain, fevers, inflammation and stiffness appearing dueto various conditions. However, naproxen can also be used forcontrolling and managing certain hormonal actions in the body.
The lines below will give their best todescribe this medication and provide as much information about it aspossible, concentrating mainly on its usage and the side-effect thatmight go hand-in-hand with naproxen.
Reducing Hormones with Naproxen
Apart from being used for treatment ofconditions such as osteoarthritis and kidney stones, along withrheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, gout, tendinitis and bursitis,naproxen is commonly used for helping people deal with ankyosingspondylitis and menstrual cramps.
Yet, interestingly, naproxen can beused for treating primary dysmenorrhea, due to the fact that itinhibits both the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. In most countries in theworld, this medication can be obtained over-the-counter. Such is thecase in the US too, where this drug has officially been approved bythe FDA, since 1994.
In the UK, on the other hand, thisdrug, sold over-the-counter by the name Feminax ultra, is used fortreatment of primary dysmenorrhea in women aging from 15 to 50.
Basically, naproxen reduces the numberof hormones which trigger the inflammations in the body, therebyreducing swelling and pain related to the above mentioned conditions.However, before taking this drug, or obtaining it in the first place,you are advised to bear several facts about it and its possibleside-effects in mind.
You should not use this medication ifyou have undergone heart surgery recently, especially if bypass orCABG was done on your heart. This drug can lead to blood circulationproblems and, once you feel some strange symptoms related to heart orcardiovascular malfunctioning, you should seek medical assistance.
Also, if you desire to use thismedication while using some other prescribed or over-the-counterdrugs, make sure you consult with your health provider first.Naproxen is known to react with some other medications, leading tounwanted reactions which might be dangerous for your health andgeneral well-being. Therefore, read the labels and instructionscarefully and thoroughly, making sure you use naproxen effectively.
Additionally, alcohol is known tointeract with naproxen, leading to increased risk of stomachbleeding. Furthermore, once you take naproxen, know that your skin isless resistant to the harmful sun rays, so make sure you protectyourself well when spending time out in the open, preventing sunburn.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatorymedications, including naproxen, can damage your intestines, creatingholes which can trigger bleeding that can possibly be fatal, whenignored and neglected.
Finally, taking naproxen during last 3months of one's pregnancy is considered to be dangerous, since thisdrug can lead to fetal damage and birth defects. Also, it can passonto breast milk, so be very careful when breastfeeding and avoidtaking naproxen during this stage.
Once you get to the stage of taking thedrug, do not chew it or break it before it gets inside your body.Every pill of naproxen is specially designed to release themedication in small dosages over time and, if you break it or causeany other deformations to the pill, you might risk overdosing.
Ultimately, do not take this medicationover a long course of time or, if your doctor advises you to dootherwise, make sure you pay him/her a visit and rule out anyunwanted effects.
Naproxen Side-Effects
When used for controlling hormones,naproxen has been related to cardiovascular problems such as heartattacks and strokes. However, many experts have denied thisconnection, ruling it out through series of clinical studies andsurveys. The results of such examinations revealed that those who aretaking ibuprofen risk 50% more chances of suffering from strokes.
Nevertheless, naproxen is known tointerfere and reduce the efficiency of antidepressants and otherselective serotonine release inhibitors.
People who have used this medication inthe long run reported diarrhea, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness,headaches, gas, nausea, heartburn, upset stomach and stuffy nose.Yet, in cases of allergies, naproxen can lead to swelling in facialor other parts of the body, appearance of rashes or hives, bloody orblack urine, heartbeat irregularities, mood changes or some other,undesired effects.
In general, whenever you experienceunwanted side-effects after taking naproxen, you are advised to seekmedical assistance and opinion as soon as the symptoms appear.
To sum up, naproxen is a drug which isused for reducing inflammations, swelling and pain related to manyforms of arthritis and similar, joint-related problems. It is a veryeffective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, but can lead to awhole plethora of adverse effects when not used according to medicalinstructions. Thus, make sure you avoid such occurrences and ask yourdoctor everything related to this medication.
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