This text will focus on a procedure called tummy tuck which has to be done by a professional. Although performing it brings along the some complications, this operation is very safe and it provides excellent results. The official name for this operation is abdominoplasty, and the mentioned complications are actually very rare with this procedure. However, just like with any other procedure, some complications can occur.
Complications and risks
Several complications arise from the procedure, while others are connected with the healing and recovery period. But as we have said, they are very rare and happen only in every twentieth patient. The complications also depend on a patient, so if a patient is fit and in shape, the recovery will be shorter and chances of complications will be decreased. Blood pressure problems and diabetes can increase the chances of complications after the tummy tuck. This text is exactly for those people, so they can educate themselves about this condition, see the benefits and risk, and then decide whether to perform this operation or not. Also the patient will need to talk with the professional about the procedure in order to see if the operation is suitable for him or her. Complications can be avoided. Prior to the surgery patient should eliminate smoking. This will have to be performed four weeks before the surgery. Since the procedure is done under the anesthesia, some problems with it can occur, as well as blood clot in the lungs or leg, for example. Moving is very important after the surgery because it eliminates this problem. Respiratory and heart problems are the most serious complications which can arise.
Complications during the healing are the most common ones. Tiredness, pain, soreness, swelling are experienced in the period of six months following the surgery, but this period can be prolonged and produce some serious discomfort. Other problems are abnormal bleeding, infection, skin loss and formatting of the scars. Fluid, if it is gathered under the skin, will have to be removed, which is done with the use of a needle. As we have stated, you can do a lot in order to avoid complications. As in every other procedure, doctor will give you advice on what to do before and after the surgery, and it is important that you follow every single one. He will tell you what to expect from the procedure, what therisks are and what you can do to avoid them, and it is important to choose a really experienced surgeon.
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