Complications of anesthesia
Most of the complications which can occur during this procedure regarding the anesthesia are not really all that different from those that can possibly happen during any other surgery. Still, there are a few of those related specifically to the part of the body being operated on. These are usually problems concerning the uterus or possible damage to the blood vessels which may lead to an anesthetic shock.
Complications of the body position of the patient
Positioning the patient the wrong way can cause a number of different consequences. First of all this can provoke nerve injuries. This happens because this surgery requires the patient to be in a very specific position, lying on his back on a slightly bent surface where the head is on the lower part of it, while the legs are bent over the upper end. Should the shoulder, leg or another body part be positioned in an irregular way, causing pressure to certain nerves it could lead to somewhat serious nerve injuries. Another type of injury caused by the irregular position of the body are back injuries. It is important to make sure that the legs are lifted at the same time and held in complete synchronization at the adequate height or there could be significant damage to the spine otherwise. Careless positioning of the body can bring about damage to the soft tissues as well. For example mobile table parts can injure the hands or the soft tissue and metal elements can even cause burns.
Complications of the surgery itself
One of the complications of this operation is that it can cause uterine perforation. This means that some of the medical instruments used during surgery, such as a dilator and hysteroscope, can cause damage and a tearing of the uterus. Aside from this, a hemorrhage is another problem which can occur during surgery. This is usually due to intestinal bleeding or the bleeding inside the uterus. A hysterectomy can also cause difficulties which do not manifest themselves during the procedure itself, but afterward. They include infection, which is treated with antibiotics and vaginal discharge which is quite common and harmless, and it goes away on its own.
Finally, as it has been stated although there is a chance that some of these complications will arise it is extremely slim and highly unlikely to happen.
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