Peptic ulcer is a condition that is marked by developing an ulcer or open sore in the intestinal tract lining. Peptic ulcers usually cause considerable pain. Furthermore, they also cause pain and a burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen. Peptic ulcer can be divided into three groups according to the place in which it may appear. Gastric or stomach ulcers develop in the stomach, while duodenal ulcers occurs in duodenum. Esophageal ulcers are ulcers that appear in the esophagus.
Causes of peptic ulcer and peptic ulcer pain
In the majority of cases, the main cause of this condition is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which cause the infection of the intestinal tract. There are also some other factors that are responsible for the occurrence of peptic ulcer and its pain. Certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, major surgeries and injury to the gastric mucosal lining are some potential causes of the peptic ulcers. Besides these, excessive consummation of alcohol, smoking and tobacco chewing may also lead to the appearance of peptic ulcers.
Symptoms of peptic ulcers
Abdominal pain is the main warning sign of this condition, and the pain may occur in the upper abdomen in the area from the navel up to the breastbone. There are cases when the pain even spreads to the back and the chest. The pain of the peptic ulcer is usually triggered by the stomach acid and appears few hours after a meal. In case when one suffers from stomach or gastric ulcer, the consumed food only aggravates the pain. On the other hand, when one suffers from duodenum ulcer, the consumed food can relieve the pain. Other symptoms of peptic ulcers include bloating, nausea and vomiting, as well as abdominal fullness, tarry and dark stools, and vomiting of blood.
Peptic ulcer pain relief
Since the pain of the peptic ulcer occurs because of the stomach acid, it is important to reduce the production of it. Therefore, the doctors prescribe certain medications, such as antacids, acid blockers or H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors, which are very effective in reducing the production of the stomach acid. When the bacteria Helicobacter pylori are responsible for the peptic ulcer, in such cases antibiotics are prescribed in order to eliminate the bacteria. There are also certain foods that are very good at regulating the production of stomach acid, and they include Indian gooseberry, papaya, milk, carrot, and cabbage juice as well as green tea, chamomile tea, and yogurt. Moreover, people with this condition should eat small meals several times a day and avoid large meals. It is also recommended to avoid lying down immediately after eating.
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