Information on Painful Gums
Painful gums can sometimes be a rather complicated medical condition because in most cases it is very hard to determine the cause of the actual condition and treat it because proper treatment usually involves treating the underlying medical condition that caused the gums to be painful in the first place.
In some cases a person may experience soreness or pain but most cases usually involve swelling and sometimes even bleeding as well. Most people do not pay much attention to the gums when it comes to the oral hygiene so they are usually on their own to defend themselves.
It is a common belief that if one takes good care of the teeth the gums will just follow. Unfortunately enough, gums can be the cause of numerous tooth problems and complications. Sometimes gums are prone to numerous different medical conditions and disorder no matter how careful a person is with the daily oral hygiene regime.
Causes of Painful Gums
The most common cause of painful gums is poor dental hygiene. Coming right next at the second place on the list of the most common causes of painful gums is an improper diet.
Vitamin C deficiency can also lead to numerous dental problems which may include painful gums. Some cases may involve painful sensation in the gums even though the gums themselves are not actually diseased. Severe cases of vitamin C deficiency can sometimes even lead to scurvy. Scurvy can be recognized by initial symptoms such as painful gums.
As the disease progresses it slowly leads to the loss of teeth. Dentures and numerous different types of medications can also cause the gums to become painful. A dentist should always be able to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the proper medicaments for the treatment. Painful gums may also be a negative reaction to certain types of mouthwash or toothpaste.
In certain cases, gingivitis can also be the trigger of the medical condition known as painful gums. In that case the pain is usually accompanied by bleeding, especially when one brushes the teeth. If one does not treat gingivitis on time it may lead to periodontitis which is a serious medical condition. It is a chronic infection which may even involve heart diseases and tooth loss.
Gingivitis can be treated and prevented very easily. The teeth need to be cleaned and treated with mouthwash. In some rare severe cases, there may be a need for gum restoration and oral surgery.
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