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Gingival hyperplasia is a condition that features with enlarged gums. They are edematous and abnormally protruded. The enlargement may be so great that only the top of the teeth can be visible. This condition is commonly followed by the pain that ranges in severity. Even the color of gums changes and they become extremely red. Gingival hyperplasia is in majority of cases accompanied by halitosis or bad breath. Enlarged gums are more prone to bleeding. The bleeding can be caused by food and flossing. The brushing of the teeth almost always leads to bleeding.

Causes of Gingival Hyperplasia

Gingival hyperplasia may occur in pregnancy. Still it can be present in majority of serious health conditions. There are some factors that can lead to gingival hyperplasia and once they are eliminated the swollen gums get back to normal. Additionally, this condition may be hereditary. Gingival hyperplasia may even occur in some metabolic disorders. Even certain medications can be responsible for enormous enlargement of gums. And finally, even some malignant diseases such as leukemias or even tumor of gums may cause gingival enlargement.PlaquePlaque is a thin film that covers teeth. It consists of bacteria and certain components present in saliva. If not regularly removed by dentist plaque can be a cause of tooth cavity. Plaque can be the cause of the enlarged gums as it causes irritation and consequent inflammation of gums. Toxins that are products of plaque bacteria accumulate next to gums and cause the swelling. This condition is known as gingivitis. So maintaining the oral hygiene and regular removal of plaque can be effective in prevention of plaque formation and consequent gingival hyperplasia.Vitamin DeficiencyVitamin C is very good for connective tissue. If not taken regularly it can lead to different conditions and gingival hyperplasia is only one of them. Apart from vitamin C even the deficiency of vitamin B and folic acid may result in gum enlargement. Gingival hyperplasia is regularly present in malnourished people.Herpes VirusIn case of the first attack of herpes virus the virus can lead to ulcers in oral cavity. This means that even gums can be affected and in that case they are swollen and painful.Stuck FoodWhile eating, small parts of food can get stuck between teeth. If they are not flossed properly the food can be a perfect source for bacterial multiplication. This food can also induce the enlargement of gums.Toothpaste and MouthwashesGingival hyperplasia may develop if one uses strong toothpastes or mouthwashes for a long period of time. If this occurs one should look for milder products for oral hygiene.DenturesIn some people dentures do not fit properly. They can move when person is eating and even can be unstable during the speech. Inappropriately fitting dentures in majority of cases lead to gingival hyperplasia.PregnancySome pregnant women suffer from problems with gums. These problems usually occur in the first and the second trimester and are caused by insufficient blood flow in the gums. In these women gums become enlarged and painful.

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