Every 2nd to 5th person out of every 100 people in the UK suffers from rosacea. Usually, this condition is mild, even though there are more severe cases as well. This condition starts appearing during one's early 20s, with real symptoms manifesting once he/she is older than 30. However, children can be affected by rosacea too and, generally, women are more susceptible to this skin condition than men. Men on the other hand, usually suffer from harsh variants of rosacea. Finally, people with fair complexion may experience rosacea more often than individuals with darker skin.
Triggers of Rosacea
Regardless of the fact that real causes of this condition are yet unknown, rosacea is known to take place once tiny blood vessels under the skin become leaky or abnormal, when sun damages the skin, when one's immune system reacts abnormally, leading to skin inflammation and when genetics and special type of mites get involved. However, these causes are merely speculations since we are yet to find out what actually triggers this skin problem.
In the past, people-developed rosacea once they used steroidal skin creams. Fortunately, nowadays, people are aware of the dangers of these products and the occurrence of skin problems due to misuse of cosmetic creams and other treatments is minimal.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Rosacea
Since rosacea typically appears on a person's face, the doctor will examine this area first and then investigate the rest of the skin. Also, the doctor may perform blood tests and other forms of tests in order to rule out some other underlying problems which are capable of triggering symptoms like those of rosacea.
As for treatments, this condition cannot be prevented since we do not know what causes it. Nevertheless, you can ease some manifestations of this condition through specifically designed therapies. If a prescribed treatment is known to be inadequate, it is modified until it becomes effective enough.
As for lifestyle changes, it is best to stay out of the sun since it aggravates the condition. Wear sunscreens with protection factors higher than 30 and put it on whenever you leave the house. Protect your head by wearing a hat.
Hypoallergenic moisturizing creams, which are not greasy and do not contain perfumes or steroids are recommended to be used. Men may switch to electric shaving since this method keeps rosacea calm, contrary to traditional razor shaving.
As for flushing, you may treat it with certain medications such as calcium-channel blockers. Also, you may want to avoid situations which trigger face flushing or use camouflaging creams.
Finally, laser therapy has shown great results with rosacea treatments, getting rid of the blood vessels under the skin, while keeping the skin tissue healthy. Ask your doctor about this option.
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