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Mature neutrophil is defined as a cell that can no longer grow or divide. This condition has in itself four types of granules, whose function is to destroy microbial invaders. In this text, we will cast a glance on the some of the main causes of neutrophilia in hope that we can help you understand what leads to this condition.

The Causes of Neutrophilia

Neutrophilia can appear due to the acute infections that appear in our body. Those infections can be caused by cocci, bacilli, specific fungi, spirochetes, viruses, rickettsia, and parasites, and in these cases, the number of leukocytes is 15-25 X 109/L. On the other hand, there are some acute infections such as typhoid fever, tuberculosis and some other that can not lead to neutrophilia. Neutrophilia can also appear in the cases that are not connected with acute infections, and in those cases it mainly appears due to the burns, postoperative state, acute myocardial infarction, acute attacks of gout, rheumatic fever, and some other cases. If the case of the neutrophilia appearance is burn, a degenerative forms appear and differential blood picture changes. The reason for appearance of neutrophils during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery is the release of the complement chemotactic products. As far as the metabolic is concerned, neutrophils appear in the cases of conditions such as of diabetic ketoacidosis, preeclampsia, and uremia, especially with uremic pericarditis. Patients who have confronted with poisoning with toxic chemicals are at risk of developing neutrophilia.

Acute hemorrhage

The number of leukocytes can also rise and therefore lead to neutrophilia in the acute bleeding. That particularly is the case in the internal bleeding of peritoneal, pleural and joint cavity, and extradural, subdural, or subarachnoid space of the intracranial cavity.If an acute bleeding appears in the first three hours, it is because of the change to circulating pool from the marginal pool.

Malignant neoplasms and Physiologic neutrophilia

In the cases of large tumor that is bigger than its blood supply, neutrophilia can appear. Conditions that may be the cause of a violent appearance of neutrophilia in our body are pregnancy, labor or in newborns, physiologic neutrophilia can occur as well.

Other causes that can lead to neutrophilia appearance will be mentioned likewise. They are Chronic myelocytic leukaemia, polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis, and myeloid metaplasia, convulsion, paroxysmal tachycardia, administration of corticosteroids, Cushing disease. In some cases, there is no apparent case for neutrophilia appearance and than it is called chronic idiopathic neutrophilia. And finally, neutrophilia can appear due to our genes that we inherited from our parents.

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