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The groin is the area below the abdomen, where the legs begin. Due to many different factors and circumstances, both men and women may feel different types of pain in the groin. The pain may be severe and persistent in which case further medical assistance is necessary. Mild pain is generally transient and usually disappears on its own. Many underlying conditions may trigger groin pain in women, some more serious than the other. Recurrent pain and severe pain that does not subside for a longer period of time require immediate evaluation.

Common Causes of Groin Pain in Women

Women may feel groin pain after an injury induced by falling or getting hit. Female athletes may strain some of the muscles in the area, triggering the pain subsequently. One of the most common causes of groin pain in women is pregnancy. This is not hard to realize and understand since women in this period go through many physical changes, especially in the pelvic area.

Other Conditions Related To Groin Pain

Groin pain may also be triggered by numerous infections caused either by viruses or bacteria in the groin area or even the urinary tract. All these different types of infections are blamed for swelling, severe pain and irritation as well as constant feeling of discomfort. Women with genital herpes or similar conditions may also experience pain in this area. Some other organs in the body may cause groin pain in women as well. Hip conditions, arthritis, lymph node enlargement or inflammation, large intestine infections and ovarian cysts also result in this kind of pain.

Boils can Cause Groin Pain

A boil is a term that refers to deep infectious folliculitis, an inflammation of the hair follicle. In the majority of cases boils are caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Once the follicle is infected with the specific bacteria, it becomes inflamed and swollen. Progression of the disease results in formation of a rather painful bump which is red, swollen and tender to touch. There are certain regions which are common sites for boil formation and the groin area is one of these, frequently affected by boils. Some people have to face this skin condition quite often and they usually suffer from weak immune system, diabetes or certain skin disorders. The skin affected by groin boils is red and tender to touch. The pain may be induced by touching a newly formed bump or it may even occur spontaneously. Within a few days the boil becomes larger and fills with pus. In case of multiple groin boils patients usually develop additional symptoms such as fever and swelling of the regional lymph nodes.Causes of Boils in Groin

In many people the condition develops due to ingrown hair and may also be associated with blocked sweat glands, which causes rapid multiplication of bacteria and formation of boils. Any break in the skin such as small cuts or scrapes can be a trigger for boil formation. Boils may also develop as a consequence of lodging of foreign materials in the skin.

Proper Diagnosis and Treatment Options

If a woman experiences any kind of groin pain, especially if the pain is persistent and does not go away for a longer period of time, she must seek medical assistance as soon as possible in order to be given a proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor may conduct several tests and examinations in order to find out the underlying cause of the pain. The patient's medical history is evaluated and the doctor asks a woman to describe the pain before any other measures are taken. Numerous physical tests may be conducted, followed by X-ray, CT scan or other radiological examinations. Blood and urine may also need to be examined in order to find the underlying cause of groin pain. Depending on the diagnosis, proper treatment or procedure is prescribed by the doctor and the woman may start her therapy and be relieved of pain at the end of it.Those individuals who suffer from boils on groin need to seek immediate medical attention as soon as the boil develops. This medical condition must be treated properly and if left neglected, it may cause further complications. In case the pus leaks from the boil, it may cause formation of additional boils and if the infection spreads onto the underlying tissues, one may develop abscesses as well. In rare and completely untreated cases the bacteria may enter the blood stream and cause a life-threatening medical condition called sepsis. Patients who suffer from boils on groin are usually prescribed antibiotics according to the antibiogram. All boils must be properly drained. The process of draining can be accelerated by application of a cloth soaked in warm salt water. The healing can be also promoted with antibiotic creams. One should never squeeze the boil, no matter what.

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