Symptoms of dyspareunia
Painful intercourse is different from woman to woman because of the pain location and frequency of pain. The symptoms that are usual for this condition are pain that appears with every penetration, even in the case when a woman puts a tampon, entry or superficial pain and pain that occurs only with certain partners or just under specific circumstances. Many women may experience deep pain during thrusting and burning pain. Sometimes, after previously pain-free intercourse, a new pain may appear and that is also considered as a symptom of dyspareunia.
Causes of dyspareunia
The causes for dyspareunia are very numerous and various and depend on the location of the pain. Some causes are serious, but on the other side, there are also those who are not so grave. The main causes of the entry or superficial pain are insufficient lubrication, injury, trauma or irritation and inflammation, infection or skin disorder, as well as reactions to contraceptive products and vaginismus. The main cause for the insufficient lubrication is usually poor foreplay. Moreover, a fall of the levels of estrogen after menopause, childbirth or breastfeeding can lead to the insufficient lubrication. This condition can also be caused by certain medications that reduce lubrication, such as antidepressants, sedatives, antihistamines, some contraceptive pills and drugs for hypertension.
Painful intercourse may be a result of an injury or irritation from an accident, pelvic surgery or female circumcision, as well as of episiotomy or a congenital abnormality. Dyspareunia usually occurs if there are some skin disorders in the genital area such as eczema, for example, or if there are some infections in the genital area or urinary tract. Furthermore, pain may also appear because of some allergic reactions to certain birth control products, such as foams, jellies or latex, or in the case when diaphragm or cervical cap is not placed well.
Vaginismus is the medical term used for the walls of vagina. Sometimes, involuntary spasms of vaginismus occur and they cause pain. Vestibulitis is a condition characterized by burning and stinging around the opening of the vagina. This condition may frequently cause painful intercourse. The main causes for deep pain are specific illnesses, infections and surgeries or medical treatments. Deep pain happens with deep penetration. Cervix, uterus or fallopian tube infections or inflammations are, furthermore, some of the causes for the occurrence of dyspareunia, though painful intercourse may be the result of some surgeries, such as hysterectomy, or the result of some treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy. Certain emotional factors also are very important for pain-free intercourse. Psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety or fear of intimacy, as well as stress, may lead to the pain during intercourse.
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