Many different things can lead to a person having a headache, especially a dull headache that is constant and chronic. A dull headache is not a migraine, but people suffering from such headaches could develop migraines later.
Potential Causes of Dull Headaches
One possible cause of dull headaches is anemia. Someone develops anemia when the red blood cells are damaged or their count is low within the bloodstream. When this occurs, often due to an iron deficiency, there is less oxygen going to the brain, and with less oxygen comes headaches.
When lower levels of oxygen reach the brain, the damage being done can be seen on an MRI scan, and if a person believes that they might have anemia, the best thing to do is see a doctor immediately.
Hypothyroidism can be another problem that causes headaches. Low thyroid production can lead to a dull headache, and it can also lead to migraines. Some of the symptoms of this condition are depression, weight gain, cold intolerance and fatigue, and it can run in the family as well.
When your blood sugar levels are abnormally low, this is medically called hypoglycemia, and it also causes headaches. However, headaches caused by a drop in blood sugar levels is fairly easily preventable. It is important to eat regularly, and it is especially important to eat breakfast, because not eating will provoke headaches, especially in cases where the head has already become sensitive to such pains occurring on a regular basis.
In these cases, the headaches can also become more severe and eventually lead to excruciating migraines.
You have probably heard that hypertension causes no symptoms — but that is not always true. When a person has very high blood pressure, they can suffer from a throbbing and pounding sensation in the head, and it is important to remember that if someone has uncontrolled hypertension, they cannot be taking migraine medication such as triptans.
Dull headaches can also be caused by upper respiratory infections, so it is no surprise that dull headaches often come with the common cold or flu. Dehydration plays a role in causing such headaches in these cases as well, one of the reasons people will always remind you to drink enough water when you are ill.
Sometimes if people are having constant post viral headaches they can take a two-week course of steroids that will help to alleviate the condition.
Some types of headaches can be associated with autoimmune diseases as well. Conditions such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can all lead to headaches.
Sometimes, when a person has had a surgery, they can experience chronic headaches during the recovery process. Usually the doctor will dismiss the pain as being normal, but if it lasts for a longer period of time, the person needs to go get it checked out, because many people have developed migraines as a result of surgical procedures.
Everyone suffers a dull headache from time to time, and usually, this is not a cause for concern. All that is needed is rest and perhaps an over the counter pain killer. Because dull headaches can have so many different causes, ranging from ultimately harmless to potentially more serious, however, anyone who chronically suffers from dull headaches should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
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