Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep is a common problem for many people. This serious disorder can sometimes even be a sign or symptom of other medical or even mental disorders. Poor sleep quality is usually accompanied by serious impairment in normal daily functioning, often associated with fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain. A lot of medicines are available to treat this problem but one should always consider more natural treatment options before making a pharmacological approach. Yoga is one of the best treatment options since it is completely natural and multi-beneficial. Yoga combines a series of postures, breathing exercises and meditation to control the stimuli and induce relaxing healthy sleep.
Meditation and breathing exercises
The best way to incorporate your yoga routine in treatment for insomnia is to do the yoga sequences right before the bedtime. Meditation and breathing exercises are here very much important to clear the mind and release the inner tension that may be associated with one’s sleeping problems. Deep diaphragmatic berating can help to fight against bad effects of stress that make our brain hyper-stimulated and restless, obstructing the normal sleeping patterns.
Yoga postures for insomnia
Uttanaasana, supported forward bend, may be beneficial to cure insomnia. This yoga posture should be performed directly in front of the bed. One should stand up in front of the bed and on a long exhale lean forward from the hip, and gently continue moving forward until the head is resting on the bed. Tight people may use the pillow, and place the head on the pillow, instead on the bed. Breathe deeply and through the nose, and then lift the kneecaps and release the hamstring muscle by straying in this position for as long as it is comfortable.
Sarvangasana, or shoulderstand is another great yogic posture. One should lie down on the floor and on a long inhale push the body up in the air, while the shoulders are resting on the floor. The legs are in the air, and the hands support the hips. The back and legs are as straight as it is possible. In this pose it is very important to breathe and continue until it feels comfortable.
Savasana, or corps pose, is one of the most important yogic postures. It is commonly used as a last posture in yoga class. The keyword for this posture is “dissolve”, since it provides the body and mind with a great opportunity to ground and enjoy the inner peace and harmony. The body is in a neutral position, resting on the floor, with soft muscles and released legs and arms by the sides. The eyes are closed and the breath is deep. One should enjoy this pose for at least 5 minutes.
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