Tenderness in the front region of the knee
The pain that is concentrated in the front area of the knee, near the patella or kneecap, is what is being referred to as anterior tenderness of the knee. It can be said that this medical orthopedic problem is among those that occur most often, especially in people who do some sport. The reasons for the onset of pain in this area of the leg are many. For instance, some people will suffer a physical blow to the knee, and the pain will linger on for some time following the event.
In some people pain in the front of the knee is caused simply by overuse or extremely prolonged repetition of a movement. People who cycle or run will sometimes get to hurt their knees this way. The actual moment when the injury is likely to appear will vary from person to person, and it depends on several different factors such as age, physical shape and state of health of the person in question. After getting this kind of injury, the patient may suffer from various repercussions, such as pain while descending the stairs, tenderness when squatting or while doing their usual physical activities.
Sometimesthe patella of the knee might get inflamed. This unpleasant condition can appear when a person works out to much, excessively repeating bending of the leg, or when the knee joint is exposed to very low temperatures. The consequence of this inflammation process will be pain while bending and straightening the knee, as well as tenderness experienced when you touch the patella. The recovery process takes a while, and it is important to follow the tips for rehabilitation and treatment.
Success in fighting the problem
There are different ways to approach treating of the problem of pain in the anterior region of the knee. First of all, make sure to consult your doctor and get the necessary guidelines for your case. Often the doctor will recommend a combination of two approaches. One of them is often application of anti-inflammation medications, typically in the form of cream. These creams are very efficient, and need to be applied regularly for a week or two in most of the cases. In addition, the doctor may recommend some exercises for strengthening of the thigh muscles, since stronger legs means less injuries.
In some rare instances of injury, the doctor will recommend surgery. However, do not fear this option, since it is extremely efficient in cases of serious knee injuries.
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