Many health conditions can be diagnosed by the meansof various blood tests. Many blood tests are very useful since they canaccurately show which disease one suffers from. BUN creatinine ratio test is a type of blood teststhat can show whether there are renal disorders in the human body. When thekidneys do not function properly, a BUN creatinine ratio test can show that.
BUN, which is the abbreviation for blood ureanitrogen, and creatinine, can be found in blood. Their amounts in blood areregulated by the kidneys. Therefore, when there is a rise or drop in the levelsof these two blood compounds, it means that there is certain kidney disorderpresent. For that reason, BUN creatinine ratio test is reliable to detect thekidney problems.
Blood urea nitrogen and Creatinine
BUN or blood urea nitrogen is the level of ureanitrogen present in the blood. Urea forms when the proteins in our body break down.In this metabolic process, the proteins are transformed into amino acids andthe amino acids into ammonia. Therefore, urea is a substance made of severalmolecules of ammonia. This protein metabolism occurs in the liver. Therefore, theliver is the gland that is responsible for the production of urea. From theliver, it is carried to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Afterwards, it is ejectedout of the body in the form of urine.
Creatine and muscle metabolism are responsible forthe production of creatinine. Therefore, it is the breakdown product or achemical waste that is carried to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Then thekidneys filter creatinine and eject the maximum amount of it through the urine.The levels of creatinine may be measured by the means of blood or urine test.
BUN to creatinine ratio
It is considered that the normal BUN to creatinineration is between 10:1 and 20:1, while in infants younger than twelve monthsthe normal BUN to creatinine ration is even 30:1. There are health conditions that increase only one of these two compounds. For example, a highprotein diet may cause only BUN level to increase.
Causes of high and low BUN creatinine ratio
When a BUN creatinine ratio test shows that theratio of these two blood compounds is high, it may indicate the presence ofkidney failure, severe dehydration, blockage in the urinary tract andrespiratory tract bleeding. When BUN creatinine ratio is low, it may indicatelow protein diet, cirrhosis, pregnancy and muscle injury.
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