Creatinine is an amino acid normally found in the humanorganism. This substance has been proved to be responsible for our strength,youthful appearance and agility. Our own activity determines how muchcreatinine the body will produce, because the muscle activity creates thissubstance as the waste product of metabolism.
Creatinine is therefore transported through the blood,filtered by the kidneys and then disposed through urine in small amounts. Kidneysare the organ responsible for the maintenance of normal creatinine level,so when there is a more creatinine in the blood than it should be – something iswrong with the kidneys. So, one way to diagnose the function of the kidneys isto measure the amount of creatinine in the blood, during standard blood tests. Peoplethat have been diagnosed with extremely high creatinine in the blood aresuspected to experience kidney failure.
Creatinine can be checked using creatinine clearance test. Thistest is found useful to estimate the function of patients’ kidneys and thedoctor will determine the level of creatinine in the blood and in the urineover 24 hours. Other tests might include examination of urine for biological andchemical content, X-rays and scans. This further testing will enable thedoctors to determine exact cause of heightened creatinine in the blood.
How Much Creatinine is Normal
In order to assess the amount of creatinine in the blood onemust know the normal blood level of creatinine. Adult males usually have some0.6 to 1.2mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter) of creatinine in the blood. Adult femalesare normally found to have slightly lower creatinine level – about 0.5 and1.1mg/dl, and teenagers have almost the same amount as women – 0.5 to 1.0mg/dl.
People having just one kidney will have about 1.8 to1.9mg/dl of creatinine in the blood.
Babies, children and teenagers’ creatinine level depends onthe development of their muscles. Infants are expected to have around 1.2 to1.2mg/dl of creatinine, and children about 0.3 to 0.7mg/dl.
Who Can Experience Heightened Creatinine?
People with prominent muscles will normally have morecreatinine in their blood. So, it is perfectly normal that men especially those youngand fit, or athletes of both sexes will have higher level of creatinine in theblood. Babies or elderly don’t have so much muscles and their creatinine levelis expected to be lower.
When someone is experiencing kidney problem that person willusually also have a high level of blood creatinine. Since creatinine is filteredthrough the kidneys, if there is something wrong with these organs it will certainlyreflect on the level of all substances going through them, includingcreatinine.
Different diseases and conditions are known to affect thefiltration ability of the kidneys, including hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
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