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Brain fog and the main symptoms

Brain fog is not accepted to be a medical or psychological condition even though many thousands of people worldwide are suffering from it. Brain fog is characterized by the feeling of clouded vision and the lack of lucidity or clarity of thought.

Brain fog is likely to cause absentmindedness, lack of short-term memory, inattentiveness and lack of spatial awareness. People experiencing brain fog may also have problem to focus on any given task or they just cannot concentrate on doing anything that requires mental alertness. Inability to think and judge clearly, as well as depression and anxiety, are also some of the symptoms of brain fog.

Causes of brain fog

The condition in question can be induced by a large variety of reasons, either emotional or physical, but there are also several biochemical reasons that might be behind this condition.

Brain fog may be caused by low blood sugar levels, which leads to confusion, lack of memory and bad temper. In certain severe cases, hypoglycemia may even induce blackout. When the brain is exposed to heavy metals, it causes brain toxicity, which leads to the brain fog. The most dangerous heavy metals for the brain are arsenic, lead and mercury. Furthermore, excess copper in the body causes disorientation and mood swings as well. Tiredness, poor concentration, the lack of memory and anxiety may be caused by the the leakage of the impure blood to the intestinal lining. Confusion as one of the symptoms of the brain fog may be even caused by excessive usage of phone cells, as well as by radios and TV or computer screens. Sleep deprivation, tiredness and fatigue, as well as chronic fatigue, have a great negative impact on the mental and physical state of the body and may lead to the brain fog. Depression and stress may cause lack of mental clarity and aggravate already present brain fog. The condition is made worse by the adrenal fatigue, which is marked by malfunctioning of the adrenal glands, which have the role to produce cortisol, the stress managing hormone. The overgrowth of Candida in the body makes the person feel intoxicated, thus leading to the symptoms of the brain fog. Furthermore, the dying of Candida also produces toxins in the body, resulting in the brain fog symptoms. Brain fog may also be induced by unhealthy diet, lack of essential nutrients and poor blood circulation. The symptoms of this condition may also appear as some of the side effects of certain medicines.

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