Brain fog is an unusual poor mental function which typically leads to mental confusion and lack of mental clarity. The symptoms of the conditions are frequently reported, particularly complaints about lack of mental clarity. Brain fog can be a consequence of many medical and psychiatric conditions and treatments. For example, it may affect women in menopause or those suffering from fibromyalgia. The term is never related to dementia and other conditions which cause confusion and memory problems.
What are Causes and Symptoms of Brain Fog?
Brain fog can be connected to certain physical as well as some mental/psychiatric illnesses. It is in majority of cases associated with fatigue, stress and insomnia. The condition can be also a consequence of nutritional deficiencies, insufficient flow of the blood in the brain, intoxication with heavy metals, allergies, food intolerance, adrenal exhaustion, problems with thyroid gland, depression etc. Furthermore brain fog can result as a consequence of leaky gut syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic viral infections and excessive intake of certain substances (such as caffeeine). Hormonal imbalance, fibromyalgia and intake of certain medications are considered a few more factors which may contribute to brain fog.
The symptoms of brain fog are evident loss of mental clarity, decrease in attention and concentration, lack of special awareness, incapability of one to think clearly, absentmindedness and mild depression or anxiety.
Brain Fog Treatment
Treatment for brain fog generally depends on the underlying cause. Since in many cases brain fog actually results as a consequence of some medical conditions, once these conditions are brought under control symptoms of brain fog will withdraw.
In case the problem is not related to a particulate illness desirable effects can be achieved with dietary and lifestyle modifications. A diet must be adequate, a person should have plenty of sleep and engage in regular physical activity.
The diet is supposed to be rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids. Sufficient intake of proteins will provide with essential components for synthesis of neurotransmitters. All the necessary nutrients can be obtained from a variety of foods particularly fresh fruit, green vegetables, cereals, legumes and whole grains. The person is supposed to abstain from simple and refined carbohydrates, excess of caffeine, trans fats, processed and junk food.
Plenty of sleep is also essential for coping with brain fog, the sleep rejuvenates the body and all its cells and provide with sufficient amount of energy for the brain.
And finally, regular physical activity strengthens both, the body and the mind. Physical activity is also efficient in coping with mental stress. Even relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation are recommended.
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