Brain Tumors - Overview
Brain tumor is every benign and malign mass of cells which originate from the brain tissue, vascular and nerve tissue or meninges and which grows uncontrollably causing different symptoms. Apart from this primary brain tumor people may suffer from secondary also known as metastatic brain tumor which originates from other organs. The term, brain cancer refers to malignant brain tumor whether it is primary or secondary. Each year approximately 142. 000 people die due to brain cancer making it one of the deadliest diseases.
No matter how it is classified every brain tumor which grows rapidly and uncontrollably eventually acts as malignant since it leads to increased intracranial pressure, compression of the surrounding tissues and potential brain herniation. Typical symptoms of brain cancer and brain tumor in general are headache, seizures, sleepiness, confusion, and other mental changes, and certain behavioral changes.
As for people suffering from brain cancer they account approximately 2 % of all people with cancers. The previously mentioned data refers to the United States. Furthermore, each year 13.000 people die as a consequence of brain cancer. Statistically speaking rough percentage of survival rate is around 30% which is not satisfying enough. Unless the patient is treated properly he/ she may die within just one or two years after the diagnosis has been set. Some treatment modalities may be effective and lead to complete remission. This particularly refers to benign brain tumors in case they can be reached and completely surgically removed.
Brain Cancer Survival Rate
People suffering from brain cancer live approximately one to two years after diagnosing the disease. If the disease is in stage IV only 33% of patients will live between 6 months and a year. Better survival rates are definitely among people suffering from benign brain tumors.
There are several factors which determine how much time the patient has after being diagnosed with brain cancer. They include pathohystological type and grade of the brain cancer, its size and localization, the stage of the disease and finally, general health of the patient. Better outcome is noticed in people suffering from brain cancers of low malignancy, those which are operable, and small brain cancers. The sooner the diagnosis of brain cancer is set the better is prognosis of the disease. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of brain cancer is usually set after the disease is in advanced stage.
There is also difference between survival rates according to the age of patients. So the survival rate is the best in people under the age of 14 (73%), and then is drops. People between the age of 14 and 44 have survival rate of 55%, people between 45 and 64 have survival rate of 16% and finally, the percentage is the smallest in people over the age of 65 where only 5% of people survive for certain period of time after being diagnosed with this horrible disease.
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