Myeloma Cancer
During the several past decades, the survival rate associated with this condition has improved and we can attribute this to the development of medical technology and cancer treatments. In the following text, we will talk about the rates of survival for myeloma cancer. Other name for this problem is multiple myeloma and it is connected with the abnormal plasma cells growth. This will create problems with the blood cells. For this type of cancer, survival rates are very low. Myeloma cancer is one of the rarest cancers found and this type of cancer usually affects people over 60 years of age.
Survival Rate
This cancer takes approximately 11 000 lives in America every day. The five year survival rate is in the region of 33%, which means that this condition is lethal for two out of three patients during the first five years upon the detection of the problem. When we talk about statistics connected with the survival rate for myeloma cancer, they are mostly associated to the period of the first five years. Also, the life expectancy is increased with an early detection, meaning that, if the problem is detected earlier, the patients will live longer. When problem is detected in the third stage, patient will live around 29 months. If the problem is detected in the second stage, patient will life for 44 months, and if detected during the first stage, patient will live for 62 months. When we talk about statistics, 31% of African American women survive the first five years, while this number is 37% for African American males. Caucasian women have 29% chances to survive the first five years, while Caucasian men have 36%.
Factors Affecting the Survival Rate
This problem is hereditary, which makes the check up in the doctor office, for those who had this problem in the family, a necessity. In this way, the problem can be detected early and the patient will live longer. The survival rates depend on many factors, as we have seen. They depend on the stage of the problem upon detection, sex, race and other. Also, the mental health and physical condition will affect the survival rate as well.
Treatments used, experiencing symptoms and medical history of the patient who suffers myeloma cancer will also affect the survival rate. Treatments like bone marrow transplantation, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are some of the available treatments. The most common symptoms of myeloma cancer are digestive troubles, strange bleeding and bruising, infection, and fatigue. This text or any study cannot predict the life expectancy or survival rate of the individual, since the studies conducted have been done on a large group of people. All cases are different, and they cannot be generalized.
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