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Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder that includes long disturbance of personality function in a person, marked by variability and depth of moods. Treating BPD is a long term process that is known to relapse. It’s characterized by difficult relationships, especially with therapists and doctors.It is possible to recover from destructive behaviours of BPD. The symptoms deflate after the first year of treatment, and about half of the treated patients lose most of the symptoms after 10 years.

Initial treatment

Treatment varies depending on the severity of BPD. First step is professional counselling that helps with regaining control over destructive behaviours. When a more stable state is diagnosed, treatment focuses on emotion management.Cognitive behavioural therapy influences thoughts and behaviours that affect symptoms of the condition.Psychodynamic therapy seeks the answers to the patient’s state in his past, trying to resolve internal conflicts that the person is unaware of.Dialectical behaviour therapy educated the BPD individual in ways of coping with feeling powerless and frustrated.Family therapy teaches the ones close to the patient how to adapt to the lifestyle dictated by BPD. When a certain amount of balance is achieved, the next step is Support group therapy. There the people with BPD and their families can share their experiences in order to achieve better understanding of borderline personality disorder, and how to handle it.Anxiety and stress that accompany the BPD can be managed by sleeping enough and regularly, balanced nutrition, exercising, avoiding stressful situation, and avoiding mood affecting substances that were not prescribed.It is important to develop positive relationships with close people, family and doctors. By doing so it is possible to build a strong social support system around people with BPD.In extreme cases where patients show signs of aggressive intent toward themselves or others the hospitalisation may be necessary.Borderline personality disorder is known to appear with medical conditions that include other personality disorders, depression, eating disorder and substance abuse problem.The doctor may prescribe various mood control medications. Antidepressants can help calm anger, impulsiveness, irritability and depression. Mood stabilizers affect impulsive behaviour and anger. Atypical antipsychotics can be used to reduce symptoms of reckless and impulsive behaviour.

Ongoing treatment

People with borderline personality disorder that continue with healthy way of life they learned through therapy decrease the chance of a relapse. This includes various types of therapy, eating and sleeping habits, exercises, keeping a strong support environment, using medications that help with keeping various mood changes and behaviours in check.

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