The luteal phase of a normal cycle beings with FSH being released, the follicle matures and LH stimulates release of the egg and the luteal phase begins, as the remaining follicle becomes the corpus luteum. During an average luteal phase which lasts 14 days, progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum. A short luteal phase after miscarriage does happen to some women, but it is believed that with progesterone supplementation it can be corrected. Symptoms of a luteal phase defect can be disguised because a woman can still have a regular menstrual period. After several times of trying to conceive with no luck or after a series of repeated miscarriages, a physician may order a woman to undergo a series of tests to check for a defect in the luteal phase. Tests can include a blood sample taken within a week of suspected ovulation, an endometrial biopsy and follicle measurement via an ultrasound examination.
Upon being diagnosed with a luteal phase defect, the woman may be given a prescription of progesterone which is taken either orally or vaginally. Miscarriage prevention seems to not be affected on the route of administration; the most important thing is that supplementing starts at or just following ovulation and is continued up until the 10th or 12th week of pregnancy, at which time the placenta will begin to make the hormone on its own. A short luteal phase after miscarriage is something that many women will have to deal with, but it should not deter her from trying to conceive because the problem is easy to treat. When diagnosed and treated using either natural or medical methods, a luteal phase defect is something that is relatively easy to correct and with time, a woman can still be able to become pregnant and have a baby at some point in time.
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