Reading the Body Signals
Women who wish to have the children and get pregnant, often consider their delayed period a good sign since it may signify the beginning of the pregnancy period. On the other hand, those who have protected sex and are not considering having a baby yet, think of this phenomenon as a quite negative one, again, relating it to pregnancy. However, before a woman's period starts, she is likely to experience hormonal and behavioral changes otherwise known as the premenstrual syndrome or, shortly the PMS. Sometimes, PMS strikes a woman, but her period is late or completely absent. Yet she is not pregnant. In order to understand all these confusing states of affairs, we need to take it one step at a time.
Understanding the PMS
PMS is different for each woman on the face of the Earth. Some have light symptoms which start several hours before the menstrual cycle and cease immediately upon the onset of menstruation. However, some women experience troubling symptoms like stomachaches, headaches, bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, stress and many others, which may last for several days before the period starts.
Now, PMS may be caused by pregnancy or the lack of it. The entire menstrual process lasts for 28 days. The first stage involves bleeding, hormone increase, and a woman's body preparing for the development of a fertilized egg. If the egg has indeed been fertilized, the pregnancy engages and the woman will not experience her period. However, if the egg is not fertilized, some specific hormonal levels will drop and the egg will be expelled out of the woman's organism through her normal, menstrualperiod.
These hormonal imbalances and changes during this period, all lead to the development of changes we consider to be the PMS. Thus, PMS is likely to strike both a woman who is pregnant, and a woman who is about to have her period.
What May Trigger PMS Without thePeriod?
To begin with stress is one of the main causes of premenstrual symptoms without the period. Other things which may delay your period are birth-control pills, and some other medications which may have this phenomenon as their side-effect. These may move your period forward for a couple of days, even more than a week.
Nutrition is crucial. Thus, if a woman suffers from an eating disorder of some sorts, depriving her organism of necessary nutrients, she will most probably miss her period, or experience imbalances in its onset each month.
Also, women who enter their menopausal stages of life will surely experience changes in their menstrual cycles, ending in their complete cessation. Finally, numerous illnesses and other medical conditions affecting the reproductive organs of women as well as many other complications may all cause both hormonal and period imbalances.
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