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Bladder control problems facts

At this moment, there are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from bladder control problems. In this case people cannot stop the flow of urine from the bladder. This medical problem is called urinary incontinence. People who suffer from it experience leaking from the urine which they cannot control. This particular problem is not that uncommon and there are a lot of people who suffer from it. However, even though it is quite common, this particular problem is not considered to be normal. People who suffer from it know that it is not just a health problem, but a social one as well.

The facts

Almost all people with incontinence experience social embarrassment. A vast number of these people experience depression because of it and that is one of the main reasons why people tend to stay indoors and limit their activities outside of the house. A majority of these people become lonely and socially isolated because of that. A lot of people are not comfortable to talk about this problem and they try to cope with it and live with it. However, people need to know that help is available and that they can fight this problem. Recently, the situation has started changing and more people are seeking help.

There are several physical conditions which people with incontinence usually experience. Some of the most common are infection, skin irritations, falls, fractures and problems with sleeping.

Certain researches claim that up to 30% of elderly people who live at home are suffering from this problem. The rate is even higher for the elderly people who live in nursing homes. It is believed that 40% of all elderly people who live in nursing homes suffer from urinary incontinence.

According to certain studies, it is believed that at this moment, over 13 million of people suffer from urinary incontinence just in the United States alone. However, experts believe that the number of people who suffer from urinary incontinence is even bigger and that it will only become bigger in the coming years. There is no rule about who can get affected with this disorder and people of both sexes can be affected by it. Despite this fact, certain researches claim that it is the women who are more affected by it than men. However, urinary incontinence is a lot more common with elderly people. An important thing that people must know is that this problem can be treated. It may not be cured but it can be controlled.

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