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Though not that serious in nature, urinary incontinence can prove to be quite an awkward problem. Just like any condition, it is followed by a number of complications, which in thiscase, are not that health threatening. Among the most evident complications and manifestations we find the problems with skin,since those who suffer from this bladder related problem, have a possibility of developing sores, a rash or some sort of skin infection, due to the fact that their skin is overexposed to fluids and thus constantly wet. Sufferingfrom incontinence further increases a chance of developing urinary tractinfections. Prolapsed is another complication, most common in women, which occurs when one part of the vagina or bladder slips out of the correct position and in a way blocks the entrance to the vagina. What makes the problem even more difficult is that pelvic floor muscles have some say in the entire matter. The most common way of dealing with this issue is the surgery. Urinaryincontinence can also take its toll on your every day activities, including the work. Because of the need to visit the toilette rather too often, it may make you feel uncomfortable when among other people and thus affect your social life. As far as work is concerned, the constant need to empty your bladder can have negative outcome on your concentration, productivity and desire to take up any kind of task.

This condition occurs when; otherwise regular passing of urine is somehow interrupted. Reasons for this can be multiple, and are in many cases in direct relation with the different types of urinary incontinence. One of such types is stress incontinence. It occurs when the pelvic floor muscles experience weakness of some sort, and are no longer able to keep your urethra properly shut. Because of this, making any sudden moves such as coughing or laughing can cause the urine leakage. Causes of pelvic floor muscle weakening can be different and caused by various factors, for e.g. pregnancy and childbirth (strain and overstretch muscles), menopause (lack of estrogen weakens muscles), removal of the womb (which can sometimes damage the muscles), age, obesity.

Another type is urge incontinence, which occurs when your bladder contracts too early, even before it becomes full, and even before you have an opportunity to visit the toilet in time. Among the most common and identified causes are urine infections such as inflammation of the bladder lining, conditions affecting the nervous system (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, stroke), and enlarged prostate gland in men, which irritates urinary opening and lower bladder. The other commonly encountered types are overflow incontinence and total incontinence. The former is caused by a blockage or some sort of bladder impediment – bladder fills up as usual but due to an obstacle you are unable to empty it completely. The latter occurs when your bladder reaches its full capacity and is unable of storing any urine, resulting in either the passing of significant quantities of urine continuously or periodically accompanied by frequent leakage.

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