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Folk medicine and old medical texts abound with advices for the treatment of arthritis with the food. Long time it was considered as quackery. However, new medical discoveries show that food may stimulate or calm the inflammation. Therefore, the symptoms could be mitigated by taking foods that relieve pain, swelling, exhaustion and stiffness of arthritis. On the other hand, permanent recovery could be achieved by avoiding certain foods.

Milk and Arthritis

There are evidences that dairy products promote arthritis in some individuals. In some patients, especially in women, arthritis is associated with lactose intolerance. It is observed that some women with rheumatoid arthritis do not have enough lactase, the enzyme which is involved in the digestion of milk sugar, lactose.

So if a person has the arthritis, he/she can perform a simple and rapid test. He/she should stop eating milk and dairy products for a week, to see if symptoms are reduced. If symptoms are relieved for a few days, and the re-introduction of milk in the diet increase them, it means that arthritis is associated with the consumption of milk.

Meat and Animal Fat

Meat and fat from it aggravate arthritic problems in many people. Meat contains the type of fat that stimulates inflammatory agents in the body. Meat products, like bacon, ham and hot dogs, contain preservatives and other chemical substances, which in some people run arthritic reaction.

To many, the improvement have been brought by Dong's diet which prohibits meat, tomatoes, dairy products, pepper, alcohol, hot spices and chemical additives, particularly monosodium glutamate (ingredient of delicatessens). For many patients a vegetarian diet significantly ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Other Food that Affect Arthritis

Omega 6 fatty acids, which can be found in corn and sunflower oil and margarine made from these oils, affect the biochemical reactions in cells, encouraging the creation of substances that trigger inflammation. Therefore, patients who suffer from arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases, should use olive, canola and linseed oil. In some people the joint inflammatory process may be initiated by wheat or corn. Also, there are data that tomato, white potatoes, eggplant and peppers may trigger symptoms of arthritis.


Ginger acts as a nonsteroidal antirheumatic. It prevents the creation of prostaglandins and other inflammatory substances such as leukotriene. In addition it acts as antioxidant and dissolves acids that are produced due to inflammation in the synovial liquid of the joints. Due to described effects ginger reduces pain, swelling and morning stiffness.

Sea Fish

Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids - mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines and salmon can help with rheumatoid arthritis much. These fatty sea fish contain oils that act anti-inflammatory. These oils reduce the release of cytokines, which contribute to joint damage in arthritis, for 40 to 55%.

One study which used fish oil has found that it reduces the creation of leukotriene, responsible for the symptoms of arthritis. In order to feel improvement it is necessary to take fish oil for a month. After that, as it takes longer the situation is getting better. If these fish are fried in corn or sunflower oil, they neutralize positive effects of fish.


During testing of the garlic influence on coronary disease, doctors in India have noticed that in people who took garlic pain in the joints is often reduced, especially pain from arthritis. During the study, participants have been taking two to three cloves of raw or cooked garlic per day. It is known that garlic effects on prostaglandins, but its effects on people with arthritis has not been specifically studied.

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