There are different physiological and psychological effects that are associated with energy drink boosters and their ingredients on the market. It is said that makes a significant improvements in mental and cognitive performances, or induce intensive alertness. Too much consumption of energy drinks can lead from mild to a light euphoria, and it is caused by stimulant properties of caffeine. The drink also can induce agitation, anxiety, irritability and insomnia as a side effect of overdo use. Energy drink significantly increases upper body muscle endurance, as suggested by manufacturers, the reversal of caffeine withdrawal, as major component of the effects of caffeine on person’s mood and endurance. Restorative properties are a combination of caffeine and glucose in one can of energy drink: also some degree of synergy between the cognition-modulating effects of glucose and caffeine.
Energy Boosters
Too many costly drinks designed to build up energy for increasing endurance in sport or recreation are present on the market today. Energy drinks are carbonated, and have a great appeal to younger people, and give energy primary because of the caffeine. There is a diet versions of it, but different from endurance walking version. A diet version is made for overworked people, because it keeps away from sleeping.
Here’s the list of some most wanted energy drinks:
-Full Throttle Sugar Free Energy Drink (Wendy Bumgardner © 2007)The drink has a nice grapefruit taste with very little medicinal flavours. There is a sugar-free version or unleaded version with 10 calories per can. The flair of this drink is only 141 mg of caffeine in 16 fluid ounces and it content B-vitamins, taurine, carnitine, guarana extract, ginseng extract, acacia and sodium citrate...
-Rockstar Sugar Free (Wendy Bumgardner © 2007)It is a strong carbonated cough syrup flavour. And it has 20 calories per 16 ounce and has caffeine, taurine, ginko, milk thistle extract, inositol, guarana, l-carnitine and B vitamins.
- Lo-Carb Monster Energy Drink (Wendy Bumgardner © 2007)Not easy detected taste. But there are manufacturer’s descriptions: \"melon-citrus\" or \"banana candy.\" It has. The energy elements are 20 calories per 16-ounce, maltodextrin and glucose also caffeine, L-carnitine, , glucuronolactone guarana and inositol.
-Enviga Green Tea (Wendy Bumgardner © 2007)Slightly-carbonated green tea drink, and targets middle-aged women. It burn more calories than other kinds, because green tea and caffeine that improves metabolism to work harder and it has a dose of antioxidants and 200 mg of calcium. It has a taste of citrus, and tea.
And of course the most popular one,-Red Bull Sugar Free (Wendy Bumgardner © 2007)The most well known energy booster on the market is Red Bull, and it is sold in a 8.3 fluid ounces can. A Red Bull energy drink is often taken at the end of a long walk. The advert claims that they have packed more caffeine into this smaller volume of can. The flavour is not recognizable, it feels diluted, carbonated cough syrup, and it has a strong medicinal taste with inositol for energy, caffeine, taurine, niacin, glucuronolactone and sodium citrate.
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