Women are much more likely to notice any changes in the breasts than men. Besides the obvious amount of the tissue present on this part of the body, women also experience significant changes in the body every month due to their menstrual cycle and some which are not associated with menstruation. Statistics reveal that more than 50% of all women (some believe 90%) have had some unpleasant but benign symptoms related to the breast tissue.
Possible Breast Conditions
Infections, inflammations, pain in the breasts, fibrocystic changes, as well as breast lumps and discharge from the nipples are very common problems. Menstrual period may be blamed for tenderness, swelling or some lumps in the breasts, since hormonal changes before or after monthly bleeding may cause these issues. However, lumps, discoloration of the skin on the breasts, thickening of the breasts or nipple discharge should be reported to your doctor and checked out.Benign Breast Changes
Breast pain is usually condition associated with menstrual cycle and the most common causes of this problem are hormones. Women may experience mere unpleasantness and discomfort or serious pain due to hormonal changes in the body. Patients with severe pains should consult their doctor and look for some treatment. Therapy options may include: cessation of caffeine, low-fat diet and vitamin E or primrose oil supplements.
Benign Lumps
There are also some benign lumps in the breasts and these can be cysts or fibroadenomas. Perimenopausal women are prone to development of cysts in the breasts, especially before the cycle. In most cases, cysts are benign, but before the menstrual period some women may notice their enlargement, tenderness or even pain. Cysts may be felt as hard or soft, depending on the location and material of the cyst itself.
Fibrocystic Disease
Fibrocystic disease or fibrocystic breasts is a medical term for breast lumpiness, usually benign in nature. A woman may feel their breast as ropy or granular, especially if she is middle aged. This problem, however, should be regularly checked with self-examination and with your doctor.
Benign Nipple Discharge
Nipple problems may but don’t have to have anything with lactation. Regardless what you think is the cause of your nipple problem this is something your doctor should be informed about. Squeezing of the nipples and breasts cause discharge in many women and this is not something to be worried about and it could be provoked by widening of the milk glands. In general, this is benign problem and chances to have breast cancer are very low, but you should consult your doctor about it.
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