Bacterial infection is an infection caused by bacteria. This kind of infection can usually be treated successfully with antibiotics.
There are millions of bacteria in our body, covering our skins and living in the intestines.Typically, bacteria live in balance.
Only a few micrometers in length, bacteria have a wide range of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals.
Great majority of the bacteria in the body are considered to be harmless because of the protective effects of the immune system, and a few are beneficial. However, a few species are pathogenic and may cause infectious disease. Antrax, leprosy, cholera and syphilis are caused by bacteria.
The most common fatal bacterial diseases are respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, irritable bowel syndrome and many more. Bacterial infection symptoms are different, regarding the type of bacterial infection and the location of the same. Various species of bacteria may cause gastroenteritis, including salmonella, clostridium, escherichia coli, yersinia.
Gastroenteritis involves stomach pain and inflammation, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. The bacteria called streptococcus cause the bacterial infection of throat. If a person or a child has a sudden fever, it could be a symptom of bacterial infection of throat. Also, the tonsils might be affected, and they will look swollen and red. Treating a bacterial infection of throat is essential to prevent further complications in the health conditions.
The most obvious sign of vaginal infection is an unpleasant foul or fishy smell. Vagina has several types of bacteria that do well for the organ. However, when the vaginal balance is disrupted by the overgrowth of these bacteria, then lactobacilli, which are other protective bacteria, become unable to adequately perform their normal function. The symptoms include itching and pain. Vaginal infection and infection in the urinary tract should not be ignored because they may cause further inflammation in the internal organs.
Meningitis is inflammation of the protective membranes which covers the brain and spinal cord. The most typical symptoms of meningitis are headache and neck stiffness, fever, altered consciousness and vomiting. Irritability and drowsiness may also be present. Any delaying of treatment may increase the risk of permanent and severe brain damage.
The most dangerous infections may lead to sepsis, which is a serious medical condition characterized by a whole body inflammatory state. Fever or hypothermia, shaking, delirium and hyperventilation are some of the symptoms. In case of sepsis, the patient will be admitted in the hospital for intensive treatment.
Some antibiotics can kill or slow bacteria. Each of them targets a specific bacterial process. The classes of antibiotics are: Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Tetracylines, Guinolones, etc.
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