Some think thatanti-depressant medications are prescribed way too frequently in many people,so they are highly overused group of medications. Many can’t distinguishdepression caused by some actual situation and clinical depression. The lateris known to be caused by imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain, andanti-depressant drugs are enormously important for these patients.
These medicationsare not and should not be used as quick solutions, although some medicalprofessionals still think of anti-depressants in such manner. Anti-depressantsare not medications to cure loneliness, bad marriage or some financialproblems, but maybe placebos can find their way in these situations.
Problems withAnti-Depressants
Drugs that workagainst depression are not always useful, and some people might experienceproblems when taking them. For patients suffering from bipolar disorder, anti-depressantsmay provoke increased psychotic symptoms and rapid mood changes. These patientsmay hear voices and hallucinate, as well as suffer from paranoia, all caused bythe use of anti-depressant medications. Placebos are also not useful in thisoccasion, and these people usually end up using anti-psychotic and some otherdrugs to resolve current situation.
People sufferingfrom anxiety also won’t improve their problem by using anti-depressants. Griefis also something that won’t get better if you start using these drugs.Patients often find out that after several different medications, what reallyworks for them is talking to some support group or their psychiatrist.
Studies aboutAnti-Depressants
According to somerecent scientific research, placebo has been found to give good effects ifgiven to people suffering from depression. The results were comparable tothose of proper anti-depressant medications, if the patients suffered from mildcase of depression.
Many people oftenwonder about the studies on effects of anti-depressants, because these studiesseem to miss real situation when using these drugs. Also, there are claims thatthe ongoing researches are not useful, for they will only “reveal” what'salready known about these drugs. The whole truth is thatanti-depressant don’t work for some people, and it's up to scientists and doctors to reveal exact reasons why they don’t work.
As the solution,many believe that doctors should concentrate on the problem of their patients,instead prescribing anti-depressants to everyone at all times. Severedepression and suicidal thoughts should still be treated by prescribed anti-depressants,since these medications have proven to be very efficient and saved thousands of lives.However, for mildly depressive patients, placebos might be as good solution asreal medications.
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