Emotions Control Us
We, being humans are significantly controlled by many different emotions. Thus, if we are exposed to situations which make us feel comfortable, we will be prone to positive emotions. At the same time, if we happen to be exposed to negative stimulants, we are more likely to express negative emotions.
Thus, we are influenced by the world around us, which is a trigger to our moods end emotions per se. However, our own interpretation of all these signals is crucial as well. So, there are ways of changing our outlook on the world so that we can think more positively and enjoying the emotions such as happiness.
The science that deals with this subject is called neurolinguistic programming, or, shortly NLP, while the method is called anchoring. Many people have managed to control their emotions through this approach. Read on in order to learn how to better your lifesubsequently.
Anchoring and NLP
We emotionally anchor things in our life, for better or worse. For example, we know that, once we see a red light in traffic, we should stop. Also, many of us connect talking to their superiors with negative emotions and perceive this as frustrating. So, we anchor different things we are exposed to, to different emotions.
All that NLP uses here, is a bit of reprogramming, where you are taught to create different emotional connections with the things you get exposed to, making them more positive. This way, you will act differently and be more successful in controlling your emotions productively. Also, you will be capable of triggering specific emotions when and where you need them.
The whole process bases itself upon remembering past experiences you wish to anchor to some other ones. Then, you are to remember the exact way you felt when something nice happened to you in the past. Later, you are to learn how to revoke the exact feeling upon being exposed to something negative, fighting it off, using your positive reinforcement of this type as amotivation.
Basically, you will be able to laugh in situations where you would usually cry. Therefore, you will be capable of controlling your emotions completely. This will change your outlook on life and make you less prone to negative emotions, which will have a significantly positive impact on every day of your future existence. Therefore, NLP and anchoring is really something which deserves your attention, since these methods may be all you need for making life more to your liking.
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